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i want to gain weight, i need a curves!

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i'm not unconfident by any means, but it would really help me if i was happy with my body. i don't have boobs, which if fine, i've gotten over the fact that i'll never have them. but i'm also pretty skinny. i have no curves, and not a very big or shapely butt. i really want to know some ways to gain weight in these areas. but i want to do this in a healthy way. i'm a very active, athletic person, so it makes it very difficult for me. i've just always wanted a butt! please suggestions!

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I don't think that's going to be easy, or even possible. As a thin girl stuck with no butt like you (although a lot of women are probably envious that you are wanting to GAIN weight), I'm not sure there's much we can do. I have a feeling that, if you do gain weight, it will not be in the areas that you want to gain.

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Ah yes, the butt. Curves. Hips. Focus on exercises that build muscle in that area. For example, doing lunges with weights increases the intensity of the exercise, building muscle in the thighs. Do you belong to a gym? Use the machines for the legs, butt, & thigh. Do high weight and low reps at first, and when you have the size you want then scale it down and tone. Women who gain weight easily (i.e. me not you) should stay away from these machines because they'll get way bigger, but for you this is what you want, so... you know the machines that they made after the Suzanne Sumers infomercial, the two where you sit on and squeeze your outer or inner thigh muscles? Do those. Ballet moves will also help build that figure when done in moderation (i.e plies). The thing with J.Lo. is, she was chubby before she toned up her body, even though she was dancing a lot, so she had the butt in advance. When she toned everything else up, the butt gained definition but was still "there". You probably don't want to get fat before you lose it all, cuz it's rather hard to do, but it's doable...


Hope this helps

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If you are just wanting to get a butt, go with what some others have already mentioned. Lunges, squats and step-ups are very helpful (trust me...I do tons of 'em and have a nice ass - or so I'm told).


If you are wanting to gain weight, you should eat 5-6 meals-a-day, or eat about every 4 hours. Don't eat until you are just stuffed, but eat until your hunger is satisfied. Also, eat foods with lots of protein. Peanut butter is pretty good...try it with an apple or banana and a glass of milk. Or you can buy a product specifically for gaining weight. If you go here: link removed , you can find weight gaining products. This is of course a body building site, but these products are designed to help you gain weight. I guess it's worth a try...


And by the way, you should be glad that you are trying to gain and not lose. Gaining is much easier to do, and much more fun. My girl has the same problem, but I don't mind. Good luck.

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Exercises will gain you more muscles in those areas. But by eating more you will gain some fat. Fat for women generally goes to the boobs and buttocks (hence why really large women have really large breats and buttocks).


So try doing chest exercises and leg/butt excercises will increasing your daily calorie intake. Try to do this with healty foods though.

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