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spiritually confuzed

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hey ppl. its me again. and true to my name im dazed and confuzed. I was raised by a mother who christain but went to church once or twice a year, and my dad (who i visit every other weekend) is a devout Jahovah Witness. I ended up Agnostic. of course, lately i have been looking into buddhism alot. first of all, id love any info u can give me. and what do i say to my dad. he wants me to be a JW too i think, and i dont want to be one, nor do i want to go to his church anymore. how do i tell him this? and id love any info on buddhism, cuz im not totally converted. part of me wants to stay agnostic. how do i make the choice? help pleze

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hey im a buddhist though im not really a religious guy so i cant tell u much .u could buy books(or surf the net ) about buddhism and find out in detail wat buddhism is all about before making a decision. Its better this way. And ur father should understand that u have the right to choose ur own religion (my parents do).


sry if im not making any sense right now , im a little distracted

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I would have to agree with winkybear. Find out as much as you can before making a choice on a religion, and when do you chose, don't chose just cause it is something different. Make an informed choice. A great place to start is looking at websites on the buddhist subject, they won't cost you any money and you can get a lot of information from them. One that I frequent is link removed This site holds so much information it is amazing. It has info about the history of the buddhist culture, the fundamentals of buddhism, lots of study material. I would deffently recomend it.



Good luck!

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Hi Dazed,


I am a Catholic, but I have been studying Buddhism through out my life. It is good to see that you have an interest in this, as Buddhism does teach one a lot about life and its frailties.


Here is a link to some pages which are very informative for a new comer to Buddhism. Learn to grasp the Four Noble Truths first, then proceed from there. Happy learning!

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  • 3 months later...

Hey dazedpunk~

I'm a Christian, but my grandparents are Buddhist, and my mother used to be one. Buddhism is kinda crazy. They bascially worship an ordinary guy. It's like worshiping anyone with a GPA of 4.0. Almost like worshipping Einstein...

Now my mother is a Christian. Christianity is different because you believ in a spirit, not some guy. Now wait, this "spirit" has beento Earth before. Yep, thats Jesus Christ. He died so we could live in Paradise after we die, not in eternal torment. It's not crazy stuff, really. It's changed my life, it may change yours. Im not here to force you into choosing a religion, just here to suggest. If you want to talk, Im here

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