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did anyone else lose their appetite at one point?

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I normally weigh around 125. In the 3 weeks or so since before and after the break up (he was distant a few days before he actually broke up with me, so I sensed that), I have lost about 15 lbs.


I literally could not eat anything for several days and even now, I am not back to normal.


But I've always been this way- whenever I have strong emotional stress, the first thing to go is appetite.


What I've been doing is just eating whatever I crave. Those seem to be the only foods I can actually eat. Luckily some of them are healthy foods, not all junk food.


What is great is that I had a few clothes that are really cute but were getting a bit tight, now they all fit perfectly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HA HA HA


OH MY GOD!!! 15 lbs?!


I would be dead---I look like an olsen twin.

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I lost my appetite for about three weeks. I ate half the portions I could usually finish. I was did feel like throwing up too. I lost about 6 pounds with all the exercising I was doing so as to keep my mind and body occupied and eating half my portions. My appetite is back to normal now. But my weight is still down because of the extra exercise. That's the one positive aspect of my breakup now. I'm physically healthier. Weird, huh?

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I have been broken up for 3 weeks now and I am still not eating like I used to. The 1st week was the worst and I have lost a considerable amount of weight in these few weeks.

The only thing that makes me eat a little bit is eating with other people and keeping myself busy with conversation while I eat, otherwise I can go a day without eating.

Hope it gets better for you soon!

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Thanks everyone for your replies!


I didn't throw up today haha that's a first, i hope it gets better from here on out. I'm still under a lot of stress, not only because of the break up itself, but also from other things related to it.

Well, i'm trying to think of this as a positive thing and as a life lesson but still the vomiting part just makes me tired (and i'm sorry if i'm grossing anyone out).

There should be a rehab for the brokenhearted haha!


I hope everyone one who also have a loss of appetite get better as well!

I'm glad i'm not suffering from this alone...which by the way does not mean i'm wishing others to have this issue too!

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Yes, that's normal grief. I couldn't eat for about 1-2 weeks after the break-up but I forced myself to eat oatmeal and drink lots of fluids. Think of yourself as being sick and needing to take care of yourself by feeding yourself your "medicine food. Eventually your appetitite will come back...mine came back stronger than ever, unfortauntely.

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I would say completely normal its just a process you have to work through. I didn't eat for ages after my last break-up. I mean i ate because if i didn't i would die but it was just light food and barely any of it. Slowly after a few months i started to get my appetite back, my guess is the same will happen for you.

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Ever since the breakup, i haven't been able to eat properly.

Even when i am given my favorite dishes, i can't seem to work up the appetite.

I used to enjoy a good meal and now if i eat more than just a bit, i throw up.

I want to eat but my body is not letting me


Did anyone have a loss of appetite phase?

If yes, any tips?


I know i should go see the doc but i just don't think its something "medical".


Yea very much normal. I have too much experience with this.. well in the past.

The yummiest dishes and foods just lose all their excitement and food just does not matter anymore. You can't get the break up and your ex off your mind. It becomes like an obsession that you can't control. A very saddening obession perhaps.


I would just eat whatever possible. Maybe a bit of fruit here and there so you still get good vitamins, and drink lots of water.


It lasts maybe 2-3 weeks. For me usually 1, and then I began just eating anything and not giving a damn if I put on weight. Then after that the "let me get to the gym and look hotter" phase kicks in lol.

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I had a relationship that lasted for 3 years and ended in one of the worst ways a relationship can end. I lost about 15 pounds the first week and my pants were falling off. Probably didn't really come back until I left the country two months later.


I would say if it has been a month now, you should start trying to force calories a bit. Try to eat at least 1200 calories. Eat really calorie dense food like peanut butter on a piece of toast or something.

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It's been ever since the break up so about a month =/


I didn't eat at all for a couple days. Then over the following couple weeks I slowly gained my appetite back. If it's just been a month I think it's normal to still have not a great appetite...I hope you gain it back soon.

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I lost my appetite for about a week and lost about 5 lbs. Still haven't gained it back 10 weeks later, which is fine with me, LOL.


Loss of appetite is a sign of grieving a loss, and of sadness. If the feelings of sadness do not improve though, and you're also feeling hopeless, you may want to compare your symptoms to a Depression checklist. It's normal to have periods of sadness in the ups and downs of life, but, if the symptoms persist for more than a couple of months, or if you feel extremely depressed, then maybe you should see a doctor.


There's depression, and there's capital-D Depression.


Talking to a counselor can be really helpful. I saw a counselor once a week for the first month after moving out of my boyfriend's house, and now I go once every 2 weeks.

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My ex left me for another when I had a bad case of flu, that plus not being able to eat drained me of 3 kilos.


Took about 1.5 weeks for my appetite to come back, I took that as a the first sign of recovery and moving on with my life.

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I used to love eating! I'm the type of person who'd over stuff myself at a meal and eat before going to sleep because going to sleep full felt good, heh. I'm not FAT, I just like food.


Since the breakup I've been able to manage either nothing or half a meal per day... I've lost about 20 pounds. I do my best, though. When I feel up for it I try some crackers or toast. Milk is a filling liquid, too. Taking supplements is a good idea.


I keep seeing commercials for food I think would sound appealing only to then think about eating it and be disgusted... it's a normal feeling. I can't wait until I can eat again.

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