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did anyone else lose their appetite at one point?

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Ever since the breakup, i haven't been able to eat properly.

Even when i am given my favorite dishes, i can't seem to work up the appetite.

I used to enjoy a good meal and now if i eat more than just a bit, i throw up.

I want to eat but my body is not letting me


Did anyone have a loss of appetite phase?

If yes, any tips?


I know i should go see the doc but i just don't think its something "medical".

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I am like that right now.....BUT I have a history of anorexia...so Im trying to monitor it so it doesnt get out of hand. I think its hard to eat after a break-up b/c you feel so awful and tense. With time, as long as you don't allow yourself to self-indulge and get used to "not eating" you should get better. Give it some time and try not to focus on your ex. Good luck

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I lost mine for a few weeks and I took advantage of that and started to change my eating patterns so I am working on health. But for those two to three weeks, I ate very little and felt like I was going to puke after. You should try eating small portions and snack whenever possible... your appetite will come back.

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How long has it been that you have lost your appetite? Are you eating anything at all? I lost my appetite for a few days and then once I started eating again it took a few days for my GI tract to stop reacting negatively 1/2 hour after eating (cramping and diarrhea).


I remember the night when i broke up, i started gagging and wanting to throw up. I think it was because i was disgusted by the idea that my ex cheated on me or i don't know but it started that night.

I am eating, however not much. I can only manage to eat half a meal before i start to gag and want to throw up.

I don't feel tired or anything if i don't eat or eat just a bit.

I'm feeling better now with the whole breakup but i'm still not able to eat =/

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I ate hardly anything for about 3 days after the breakup (was throwing up too) and it was a few more days before I was eating normally again. How long have you been like this?


It's been ever since the break up so about a month =/

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I ate very little for a few weeks. I wanted to eat and I was hungry but I just couldn't face it. I was competely turned off by food. But it did eventually start to come back. Try to keep on eating small amounts of food throughout the day. Even a couple of mouthfuls it is better than nothing. Perhaps because of the way you feel, staring at a huge plateful of food is making it worse. How about keeping little snacks readily availabe and the moment a hunger pang strikes take advantage of it and grab a snack. Take it slowly and it will start to build up again.

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Yep. I've lost like 5 pounds and I'm a skinny guy already. I haven;t been able to eat properly most of the time, but sometimes I can. Then again, I was having issues with my appetite for like a month before we broke up. I'm seeing a doctor soon even though it's gotten better, I need to make sure I'm not actually sick,

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After my last significant breakup it took me about six weeks to get my appetite back properly, though the first three weeks were the worst. All food seemed to taste of sawdust and I'd feel sick after eating.


I made sure to eat what I could, small amounts of cereal, plain boiled rice and fruit, and took vitamin pills to lessen the effects of malnutrition; the only thing to do was let the grieving out of my system and acknowledge I was going to be underweight for a bit.


It's an emotional problem rather than a medical one, and the sooner you get the pain out of your system, the sooner you'll heal.



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I personally wasn't able to eat properly after my first major break up for a good month. I lost ten pounds instantly. Don't feel like it's abnormal, you are under a lot of stress and this is your body's way to cope. It will pass when you are feeling better.

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Thank you for all your replies and advices

i appreciate the support

everywhere else i asked, they would just tell me to go see the doc.


I still think you probably should. I posted my symptoms on a health forum and I got some interesting thoughts about what it could be. I realize it's probably just mental, but I want to make sure of it.

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I had no appetite for two weeks and after the ex H left. All I did back then was smoke and drink cappucinos, one after the other. I never threw up or felt siickly either.

What I did do, was lose loads of weight, which I'd needed to lose...and I looked my healthiest ever. So for me, it turned out to be a good thing and I was glad he'd gone after a while and because Id likely have still been walking around like Ten Ton Tess if he was still here....lol

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Thank you for all your replies and advices

i appreciate the support

everywhere else i asked, they would just tell me to go see the doc.


Uhm one of those places wasnt POF by any chance?

They are all about as sensitive as a scorpion sting over there.....and then some people complain about the lack of sympathy here!!! LOL


ENA is defo the best place for advice...that I know of anyway!

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I normally weigh around 125. In the 3 weeks or so since before and after the break up (he was distant a few days before he actually broke up with me, so I sensed that), I have lost about 15 lbs.


I literally could not eat anything for several days and even now, I am not back to normal.


But I've always been this way- whenever I have strong emotional stress, the first thing to go is appetite.


What I've been doing is just eating whatever I crave. Those seem to be the only foods I can actually eat. Luckily some of them are healthy foods, not all junk food.


What is great is that I had a few clothes that are really cute but were getting a bit tight, now they all fit perfectly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HA HA HA

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I normally weigh around 125. In the 3 weeks or so since before and after the break up (he was distant a few days before he actually broke up with me, so I sensed that), I have lost about 15 lbs.


I literally could not eat anything for several days and even now, I am not back to normal.


But I've always been this way- whenever I have strong emotional stress, the first thing to go is appetite.


What I've been doing is just eating whatever I crave. Those seem to be the only foods I can actually eat. Luckily some of them are healthy foods, not all junk food.


What is great is that I had a few clothes that are really cute but were getting a bit tight, now they all fit perfectly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HA HA HA


i actually don't mind losing weight but it's just the throwing up part that bothers me haha but true i have this pair of black pants that used to fit me perfectly, i wouldnt mind being able to wear them again.

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nutbrownhare had it right when mentioning "sawdust." That's totally what it's like.


Liquid nutrition helps, as others have mentioned. I drank a lot of V8 when this happened to me, and it really helped. I lost about 20 lbs in 3 weeks, and it took a long time to gain some of it back. Fortunately, I ditched some extra pounds I'd been lugging around and haven't gained all of those back, but it's not the best "diet plan." Ha.


Good luck, and sorry about the vomiting. Dreadful, but I think normal.

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