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what does soft spot mean?


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To be more specific, this person told me they still had a soft spot for me and if they saw me again would be tempted to kiss me and so on. They have also said that we had no ending (it is true, we broke up and i moved away and that was that, never saw him again) he has since continued to tell me he has some feelings for me but only after i asked him to which he replied, yah a lil.

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It sounds like he's playing it smart, speaking in moderate differences, and not giving anything definitive away. Essentially it seems like he's trying to keep his options open as much as possible - and you can't really blame him cos I would do the same - but from your perspective he's doing it at your expense. So it's ur call as to how to handle the situation, but I should hope you feel better informed to make a decision.

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