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A good quote and some rambling

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Since i joined ENA (two days ago or so haha), i've been feeling much better!


I'm watching this korean drama called Shining Inheritance and there was this quote that caught me and there is only truth in what the character said

from eppy 22 part 3/7:


"Is there anyone that experiences love once and dies?

Love? that kind of thing leaves and comes back.

It just hurts each time is all.

It comes again"


I thought it was fitting for me because i thought of dying when my ex and i broke up and i wanted to share it because it was a picker-upper for me.


There are a lot of fish in the ocean right? we just need to find the one for us.

My cousin said that, about there being a load of fish and all, and afterwards, he found his wife.

Haha but i don't think thinking that way will bring us the right person for sure.


I'm glad i found this forum. A lot of my friends try to cheer me up but it's not the same thing.

They tell me i deserve better and all that and i know it but i can't help but feel it's just something people always say.

ENA gives more support i find because some of my friends are in a relationship or things like that so it's harder for them to understand.

I was looking for something more concrete than just "oh you'll find someone better".

It's nice to come on here and know i'm not alone (no pun intended) with my suffering and i hope other people feel somewhat the same way.

It's good to know you have someone that'll listen to you.


in my case...thanks for listening to my rambling.

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Cheer up...that quote speaks the truth...you will definitely find love again...we all will! And yes, we will hurt again...but as they say, the rainy days make you appreciate the sunshine or something like that...haha.

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