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what does this employer mean?

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I recently created a thread about a job I interviewed for twice. The second interview was Tuesday of last week, so today marked the 7th day.


I was glad to see an e-mail in my mailbox from the hiring manager. He kept the message very neutral, only saying he will be making a decision shortly. He also thanked me for my patience.


I'm not sure what to make of this. He didn't provide a timetable as to when he'll get back to me. I figured it was good that he reached out to me because it likely means I am still in contention. However, it probably doesn't mean it is mine yet; otherwise, he would have just extended the offer right then and there. Worst case scenario is that I am the back-up, and that he wants to offer the job to someone else and have them accept it before turning me down. However, I want to remain positive and not think that way.


Based on what little information he wrote, could it mean I am still in the running, and that he simply hasn't made a decision yet?

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At the very least it means you are not out of contention. They may be following up on a few things (references and background checks etc). Relax. They could also be looking into specific details before extending an offer - salary, terms, etc. There is nothing more you can do at this point. I wish you luck and I hope you get the job!

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He wanted to make sure that you were still interested in the position in addition to them still making up their minds.


I would reply with...


Thank you for the update, I look forward to hearing from you again soon.


And I would put my phone number under my name when I signed it.

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That's what I would do as an employer. It really annoys me when submitting an application and the emplyer dosen't even give you the curtosy of writing to you to 'thanks but no thanks'


I think you should e-mail back as said above, and with any luck you'll be the one that gets it. Best of luck!

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