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Do you think I'll get this job?

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I applied for a position at a small company over 2 months ago. I never heard from them again until a week and a half ago, when they happened to contact me regarding a new position that had opened in their marketing department.


He didn't provide a formal job description, and the position was never even posted online. But based on what little information he supplied, the position sounds more up my alley than the one I had originally applied for. The original position wasn't even a full-fledged marketing job, while this one is. Since the second position was never advertised, I presume they're contacting only those who had submitted applications for older positions.


I met with the hiring manager in person two days later. The interview went great. Before leaving, he introduced me to several people around the office, showed me where I would be sitting, and even touched on sports, family life, and other topics.


A day later, I received an e-mail from him stating he wanted me to meet with the VP (his boss) on Tuesday of the following week. That interview went very well, and I found out that the VP worked closely with one of my ex-supervisors many years ago. (He noticed my ex-supervisor's name upon reading the reference letter he wrote for me.) Once again, I met with the direct hiring manager that day, who seemed highly impressed with my work samples. I also sat for a few minutes with a junior manager, who, at the hiring manager's behest, explained what it is that the company does, how the different departments work collaboratively, etc.


A day later, they had already contacted one of my references. The second reference was called Thursday. Both said that the callers seemed very impressed and interested.


It's Monday night, and I'm already growing a bit impatient! The company never gave a concrete timetable as to when they'd get back to me. Since the second interview was nearly a week ago, I decided to send a follow-up e-mail tonight. I am not sure if they even worked on Friday. (I know many companies were closed due to the holiday.)


I am pretty certain I'll know the outcome before week's end. Based on what I wrote, however, as well as your personal experiences, do you think this position has my name on it? Can I bank on the fact that one of the managers is close to my ex supervisor, or does that carry little weight?

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The trick is to believe you will get the job. Never underestimate the power of positive thinking. It really works. Keep telling yourself that you'll get it, and you will.


I also agree that it looks like you are at least a finalist. So just stay positive. You'll get it.


If for some reason you don't, the next offer will probably be even more perfect! It's what happened to me. I didn't get a job I wanted, then shortly later I was hired for a better job all around. Better pay, and more enjoyable.

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