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I started on the pill a few weeks ago, at the start of my period. In the last week there have been 2 days where i've been late taking it by an hour or so.

I'm seeing my boyfriend on tuesday - is it safe for us to have sex then using no other form of contraception or should we use condoms too?



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in my opinion, its better to be as safe as you can than sorry. i think that the guy should always wear a condom no matter what, just in case something doesn't go right... i know that there may be very low chances of something going wrong, but you can never be too safe with sex.

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Hi SecretsGirl,


Well, I would advise that you always use condoms. Its not only the risk of getting pregnant u also have to protect against STDs.


How long have you been with ur boyfriend?


How old are you both?


I would only recommend that you do not use protection if you have been in a very long relationship/married or are trying for a baby.


Sex with a condom is the safest way, don't risk ur own health/life.


Hope this has helped.


Remember the pill is only used as contraception. It doesn't protect you from STDs.


Good luck, enjoy ur self but STAY SAFE.



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Hi Everyone,


Thankyou for your advice.


SLBG: I'm 18 and my boyfriend is 25. We've been together 6 months and having sex for 3 months.


Althought we have both been tested for STD' i think it might be the best idea to use condoms because i'm a very paranoid person usually!



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Hi SecretsGirl,


Im glad u both waited before having a sexual relationship. My ex fiancée made me wait 6 months before we had sex……AHHHHHHH.


But it was well worth the wait (trust me no that)


Wish we was still 2gether, Ive missed being close with her. Sorry thats another story.


Good luck.




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