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exs who want sex one last time, mean it was all just about sex? they didnt really care?


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If a ex boyfriend wishes he had of had more sex or done more sexually with you does this mean it was all just about sex? or does it mean simply what it states regardless of whether have feelings or not.


i gess what im asking is I have noticed a lot of my exs have asked for 'one' last time or said they feel things are unfinished between us , as in we didnt have enough or do enough sexual things. and so got me wondering this doesnt necessarily mean it was just a sexual thing does it? just simply means they wish they did more.?

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My take on it is the writing's on the wall (they know the relationship is over or about to be over) and they're just trying to get what they can before the window of opportunity closes.


Personally, I wouldn't read anymore into it than that.

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Really depends on the person and the relationship. With some people it might just mean the sex was all that was really significant for them, but then with one of my exes some of the best sex we had was after we broke up and we tried some new stuff, and then we both expressed regret that we'd wasted 3 years not doing that stuff before!


It's pretty individual. But sex is tied up to lots of other emotions normally as well so it's entirely possible that by saying 'I wish we'd had more sex' he's also thinking about all the other good times, ie. laying in bed together etc that would have followed on from that.

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They are just trying to get what they can and because they are unsure when they will get sex next.


If he manages to get it nowhere else....he will come looking for you again.



I agree with you with my head...but if my ex turned up I'd probably give in.

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with one ex I am thinking of in particular....he walked straight into another relationship so was getting plenty of sex. so i dunno if it was about worrying about when he was going to get sex again.


It has also been four years and he still mentions here and there that he feels like we have unfinished business ( i interpret this to mean sex) and that he wishes we had done more etc. I lost my virginity to him, he was 7 years older so maybe it was that we didnt do a WHOLE lot. I was still pretty innocent.


we broke up due to timing (again i was very young). we have always remained in touch. I just dont get why he brings this up and has for years now, makes me feel like all that mattered was sex when he assures me it wasnt/isnt.


does this make any difference to your answers?

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does this make any difference to your answers?




Although I will add something my ex-college bf (the only ex I keep in touch with) told me. I was asking him a similar question about re-surfacing exes and he said, "Well, some guys figure that you said yes to their advances once, you might say yes again."

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Ok. That just doesnt make sense to me personally though seems he IS getting sex and has been the whole time from his GF.


so why would he want sex with me again if he is already getting sex.


He wants more sex. Its pretty simple.


YOu want to hear that he deeply cared about you? No.

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