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Any tips?


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My b/f of 2.5 years dumped me about 1 month ago because he felt like he wanted to be on his own for a while and couldn't be in a relationship anymore. The weird thing is that everything seemed great between us and it really felt like the break-up came out of nowhere. We tried to get back together last week. It all started because i was hanging out with his sisters and when he saw me he got very emotional and started crying saying that he wanted me back...i took him back. The next morning he called me and said he had to "take back" everything he said because he let his emotions get the best of him. But we decided that we would take things slow, it lasted about 1 week...we saw eachother like 3 times and then on Friday he called and said he couldn't handle it anymore and that we had to end it for good.

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Not all situations will be the same. No one's break up is identical so I doubt hearing any "tips" will be helpful. The only thing you can do is take time off to heal, accept what happened, try to grow as a person and hope that your ex does too.

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