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Letting go...


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So I have the pack rat gene. I have this perpetual problem of being too sentimental. Part of this is my upbringing, but part of this is my ability (or lack there of) to let go. I have lots of "stuff" that reminds me of past relationships.


Examples would be notes, pictures, books, clothes, the list does go on and on. I'm wondering if I should keep this stuff or just trash it. It's hard because I don't look at this stuff often, and certainly don't "use" this stuff, but these items bring back streams of emotions. I know if I throw them away I won't think about them any longer, but it's that step to put it in the trash...





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I would keep the pictures (and anything you may have written like a journal, etc)- but donate the clothes and books if they are not actually used. Constantly remind yourself that you have the memories and life experience forever, and that is what really counts- not the material.


If throwing away the notes feels horrible to you- try on of those cliche, yet effective "lettiing go" ceremonies like burning them or tying them to a bunch of helium balloons and let them go off somewhere.


You may find that purging some of this stuff actually makes you feel better in the long run.

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Timely post - I'm the same way. Although I've recently started on a massive cleaning binge for some reason and this time I've unloaded sentimental stuff. Favorite old clothes, toys, books, letters, miscellaneous "stuff".... I can't seem to stop. Some of this stuff dates back 25 years. It's like it's a drive from inside of me.

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I have a bit of the same issue. I would not say that I am a pack rat, since I do routinely like to purge. However, I held onto a lot of things from ex's past. Then I realized that is what they were, the past, and by keeping them I was chained to it. I recently burned all the letters from one of my ex's. There were literally, hundreds. I did not realize what prolific writers we were. Between cards, letters, and notes there were at least 2-300 pieces of writing.


I got out the charcoal grill and lit those letters up! Make no mistake I am so over my ex its not even funny. I have been for years. I had just stuck these things back and forgot about them. I wasn't angry or upset over them. I was just over them.


Ultimately my goal is to release myself of anything that belonged to the ex. Its been a long process. We were together for a few years. However, once I am done, I know that I will take a comfort in not being reminded by the past everytime I look in the back of a drawer.

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If you want some inspiration- try watching that TLC show "Clean Sweep" (I think that is what it's called.) The hosts gently force the person to purge their clutter- including sentimental items. There is a "keep" pile, a "yard sale" pile and a "trash" pile.


Some of the people on the show have struggled with hanging on to too many sentimmental items. There was one mom with 3 grown kids who kept almost every last article of baby clothing, simply because her children once wore them. They made her reduce her collection to 3 baby outfits and sell the rest.

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Keep a few select letters and pictures and throw out the rest. I saved some pics of my ex, but got rid of some of the other things he gave me that I wasn't using. I also saved his cards (there were just enough to bundle with a rubber band). When it comes to people from a long time ago, I throw stuff out little by little until I only have one or two artifacts...the most noteable things. Like from my ex before my ex fiance, I saved a few key letters and one pic of us together but got rid of everything else. I think it's fine to save a little here and a little there. Moderation is key.

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