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early stages of dating how often do you talk/see eachother?


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its not really even the sex part...This may sound weird, but he just feels good to wrap my arms around more than anyone I ever slept next to. So lame....But most men I just want my space in bed and am not even really into. This guy, the first time we just slept next to eachother, we both woke up saying how good the other one felt to be next to. I dont know if it is ALL about sex with him. I just know he must not be as interested in anything serious. I have no clue...


Is it really that clear cut with men and women..Either he wants you just for sex and he is using you, or he wants a relationship. Arent we all complex beings. Im not saying that its not obvious he wants physical intmacy without the emotional attachment, and maybe it is not worth analyzing, but do guys really intentionally string women along just to have someone in there bed? or could they possibly like you alot and just be afraid of anything serious. Maybe it doesnt matter.....I hate trying to figure people out. Especially when I have talked about all this before...It is like we talk about it every time we see eachother, and he assures me how much he likes me, but how he is timid for us to really date because of all the the boys I have around me. Seems like an excuse. Says how sad he is when he sees me with other guys.....How he has not really been with that many girls since his last girlfriend a year and a half ago. He is busy all the time with his job, and he has a pretty active social life...So I guess I just dont fit in? excuses I guess...Or the truth...ugh...

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I don't think he is intentionally trying to hurt you by stringing you along. I do think he likes you, just not enough to be in a relationship with you and frankly if it's not there after 3 months, chances are it never will be. I mean it seems to me he's seen you enough to make his decision about you.


No man likes to see the girl they are fooling around with, with another man no matter what they're feelings towards her are. So the fact that he keeps telling you it hurts him to see with other guys is not such a huge indicator of his feelings towards you, in my opinion.

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Thanks bebeblondie.... Very true.. It will hurt me when I see him with another girl though. WHat do I do if I really like him though? Im not interested in any of the other guys even though I have plenty to be around. Id almost rather be with someone I really really like who is not fulfilling what I emotionally need, than be with someone who Im not 100 percent into, but they are 100 percent into me. I think. Or maybe they all equal out in the end. I want a relationship with someone I adore and time just keeps coming and going and the last two guys I really liked, just couldnt pull it together to want anything serious. Meanwhile other guys are throwing themselves at me. I dunno...THere is one guy I like, but he is going away for a few months, plus he kinda dated one of my good friends in the past. So back to being lonely all the time. I miss the intimacy, and this guy was the only one who fulfilled it, even if it is halfa**ed.

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