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rich 1517 - sure im not making a mistake here?


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i am building a platform of comfort under her, fun, support, attention, sexual interest, friendship. i understand better now. she hasnt had to work for it yet its just there.



And what does she do when that platform disappears? She falls. She will go looking for it. I think she started to with the phone call.


Make a big platform, remove it from under her.

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Wow Rich!!


I missed the point that SHE CALLED YOU a couple of pages back.


Now Rich, please start having a little faith, stop doubting yourself. Use this call-back to feed your self-esteem.


You did not cave - she did!!!


G xx

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ah GeeCee my love you are so right. the component that has been absent has been ME. i get so thrown by pit of despair that i forget that i am fun, good looking, smart, witty and well pretty decent package.


its funny we can see others are attracted to us now as we are, but we feel that those things that are great dont exist in the moment with the object of our desire. now why is that? my answer would be: if they were enough they would be with us. we forgot that sometimes their decisions have nothing to do with us. but we take ourselves down anyway.


in her own words when she said "dating" -> "you have a lot of the qualities i want in someone"


so i guess it would be ok to go on a rich is awesome day, then just make sure i am not cocky or arrogant tomorrow.


and you were right on both counts GeeCee, i could have worked her on the phone call as it was and got her to ask. well done is done. but feel free to remind me again, should this come around.

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ok well here is as good as anywhere. why is rich awesome?


this is hard to do but here goes.


i am an accomplished art director

i am very good looking

i am a really nice guy but still nasty enough to be fun

i have limits and test them constantly

i adapt to change very fast

i am sensual and know how to please women (well)

i am passionate and compassionate

i have a very calming voice

people respond to me well

i am a very good artist

i have a nice bod (even for 43, i look 30 still)

i have great blue eyes

i am very athletic even though i smoke

i listen (most of the time)

i make people feel like they matter

i have dreams and act on them

i am adventurous

i adapt to almost any situation

i am nurturing

my needs are are taken care of, i dont need to be fixed

i have a depth of feelings that helps me help others

I am extremely funny

i make a very good friend

did i say i was handsome?

i carry a dark side that attracts women, dont ask me it works.

i am humble (oops)


so why the self aggrandizement? because we spend so much time hear in the past and future and whats wrong with us, i thought hey good place to start.


ok whos next? SING IT!

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i am a really nice guy but still nasty enough to be fun

i am sensual and know how to please women (well)

i have dreams and act on them


Ok ... there are a couple of other things that might cross my mind when I think of Rich!!


G xx

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Okay, my turn...


I am very handsome...my mommy tells me so...and so do most girls

I've been told I have f..k me eyes

I'm a year out of school and successful

I'm one of the nicest guys you'll met

I'm well liked

I've constantly had girls wanting me, just not the ones I want (this will change)

I'm athletic...anything but basketball

I'm fun, unless I don't want to be

I'm sweet as all hell

I'm attentive

I'm .... like a bull

I'm generally good at pleasing the ladies...

I got a guitar...by this summer i'll pass as a guitar player...chicks dig it

Patience...my ex used to be amazed at how patient I was with her...okay I can act like I am, but I'm really not...

I'm good at picking up new things...

Generally I have a healthy death wish...keeps the blood flowing you know..


Okay I'm done stroking my...um...ego I must say I don't really like doing this sort of thing due to my generally humble nature, but it feels good!

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I've been told I have f..k me eyes


Hmmm ... I didn't need to read any more of your qualities Dikaia!! This was enough!!


G xx


P.S. I think that I am going to start posting on the sex forum - guys - this is too much information - some of us have not had sex since the bloody jurassic era. Please, please, please remind us of your bad qualities. This is too much - I am going to lie down!!

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Sometimes, only sometimes, we forget why we are here (don't you think) and we have a really good time.


Or am I just a lot sadder than I realise. Really I am laughing so hard - sat here at my laptop - no-one else around.


On reflection - I am a lot sadder than I realise!!!!


G xx

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that was part of my point. i thought it was weird to post my positive attributes, then i realised. we bring so much worry and negative, which is good for dumping.


but an intention to change perspective can change a perspective.


just a thought.

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another note for myself and others. dont spend your emotional capital lightly. having a self appreciation day can lead to overly optimistic thinking. if we are trying to get someback, its about balance and confidence, of which self acknowlegdement is only part. just thinking out loud.


so she tried calling a lot today. she is her pattern. wanted to tell me all about her night at a concert with her dad, i was suportive, attentive, etc, etc.


i am being more laid back (good sign) i can also tell she wants me to be stronger becuase she is responding more to a contained me. so it begins.


dinner and date on for tomorrow. i still have to decide about the kids play. i love this kid a lot and him in first play ever (hes six) would be fun to see. have to think about that one. ideas? i have friday, satruday to go if i want. i could just show up and then leave. hmm. thats good.

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