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ugh I say! He never contacts me. Just likes me for sex?


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but i dont think I did anything wrong besides be impulsive and myslef...and sometimes things that work out that way are the best...im not good at acting against my instincts...


Then expect this situation to continue to repeat in your life.

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but i dont think I did anything wrong besides be impulsive and myslef...


You are too hung up on this guy to pull off the kind of casual/growing relationship you seem to want. It's not going to work for you, sorry to say.


He has seen you making out with other guys, he knows you are doing the same "cuddle buddy" thing with your roommate that you did with him when things started, what exactly do you expect him to think?


Personally, I wouldn't take a woman seriously for anything other than a romp if she were hooking up with her male roommate and I knew it. Player or not, that would be all I'd need to know.


If you want guys to get that relationship, or even potential relationship vibe with you, stop making out in public and hooking up with your roommate. If you just want some sex, be carefree and go for it without getting attached. Much easier typed than done though, and pretty much impossible to have it both ways.

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