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problems... or just over reacting?


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alright... i just started a relationship with a girl i truly love, but i know she doesnt quite love me yet.


First situation - i lent her $20 because she wanted to buy some cookies and was out of cash. She said she would pay me back the very next day. She doesnt bring it. It has been about a week and i haven't said anything to her aobut it... and i don't know what to think or do about it. Its not that i want the money back so bad, its that she said she would and she didn't.


Second situation - last weekend we couldlnt get together and do anything because i was busy on sat. and she was busy on sun. So we talked on the phone for a while sat. night and she said she would call me whenever she got a short break on sun. She doesn't call. Finally i call her. She doesnt pick up so i leave a nice message. Monday morning I see her and she says I called her during her favorite TV show. It sort of makes me wonder where her priorities are.


I just don't know if she's commited and I don't know what to think or do about these things. If anybody has any help it would be greatly appreciated.

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Ok, if you are truley in love with this women then you cant break up with her over some thigns so trivial... Confront her about it and see whats going down im sure it will have been one of those things.. Like maybe that time of the month and just couldnt deal the with stress of a new relationship on that day!! all sorts of explanations and you sould try not to jump to conclusions. if you love her liek you say you do then you will be willign to compremise and then everythign should work out alright!! hope this helps




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When it comes to money, I am very anal and it doesn't matter who it is that borrows and never returns - it's just bad manners not to return the money. If you say you will pay back [whether it's $1 or $1000] on day X, you should and if you can't you need to say "listen, I know I said I'd pay you back but I'm short on cash now - can I pay you back later."


About you calling her "during her fav. show" - she's being rude. Tape the damn show!


You should ler know [gracefully] about both and how they make you feel.

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I hate to be a smart @ss, but how does that saying go. . .never lend out more money than you can afford (or rather, are willing) to lose. :silly: Maybe she just forgot about it. If you really want to, just bring it up (gracefully). You might try being out, and pretending that you cant find your money (put your wallet in a different pocket, so that you cant find it right away). Then maybe ask her if you can barrow some (or have your $20 back). I suggest actually keeping your wallet on you somewhere though, incase she doesnt have it and you actually need it. . .


And that not calling thing, as rat_freak said, was just really rude! How long have you been going out?

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