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Need help in pleasuring my man!


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So I've done stuff with my bf about 6/7 times. Been for pretty long spaces of time. I'm a virgin and therefore not that experienced with this sort of thing. Hes my first long term serious bf. Im not ready to have sex yet and he has only ever touched/licked me down below through my lingerie. Hes seen and done things with my bapsthough lol!


I've given him hand jobs, blowjobs, * * * wanks and every other form of touching.


Throughout all of these I dont feel confident that im doing everything right..I've said this to him before and he just looks at me like im mad and says don't be silly. When i do a handjob i find it hard to keep going cause i seem to lose my rhythum. With a blowjob i try to use my hand too..but i can never seem to take it all in my mouth cause i gag...and when he precums it makes me heave a little bit...i try to hide that from him but it can be hard at times and I feel like i need to stop so his pleasure can only be short sometimes. Any advice on how I could stop myself from doing this? lol


Although he says he understands that its all new to me I want to be able to do things right and have more confidence! When he asks me to get on top of him and kinda "dry hump" i can't do it properly..i feel all shy and awkward and it might sound strange but I dont really know how to do it either.


Can anyone give me any help? :sad: He says he does get turned on but he doesnt really give me any feedback by moaning or anything...except when hes about to cum. Sometimes he has to do that by himself too. With me just groping him or something while hes playing.



Is there any little things I could do that would turn him on too? He seems to like doing things with my boobs a lot...licking, touching etc. If that helps? Any advice at all would be helpful!! Thanks x


Oh also! I've found that although i get majorly turned on I can never seem to orgasm...I've faked a lot of mine so to not make my bf feel bad :S Is there anything anyone could tell me that could help me to orgasm also? thanks...xxx

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Hey remember, your not a porn star, your a human! You cant be perfect at every sexual act, and practise makes perfect, the longer you do stuff together the better you will get, you will develop your own techniques and little tricks to make him go crazy for you.


If you google 'pleasuring my guy' You get plenty off stuff, like all the different ways to give handjobs etc.


Also, you dont have to take it ALL into your mouth, only if it feels comfortable.


Edit: I also agree with Heatherkins, never fake it! Just learn and discover what you like,

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The worst thing you can do is fake an orgasm. It will leave you frustrated and won't help him achieve the skills he needs to get you over the edge.


I would start by watching him pleasure himself. And, then having him watch you. It seems like you need to get to a place where you're comfortable enough to guide each other in the bedroom (or any other place you want to get naughty in for that fact...). It's so important to communicate what is feeling good or not so good as it's happening. And, there is nothing wrong with actually physically moving his fingers or hands to the places that will pleasure you more intently and vice versa. If you are still worried about "offending" your boyfriend, you might not be ready for the relationship to be on a sexual level. And, that's okay! But, hopefully, you guys will learn to be more open verbally and vocally so that you are both receiving and giving the pleasure that you want to share together.

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You're a woman, no matter what you do confidently (as long as you don't nick his penis with your teeth!) he will be turned on.


Confidence is the turn on. Not an awkward girl telling him she's not sure and acting awkward. THAT is frustrating during the act....if you want to talk to him, talk to him before hand and agree that he shoul dtell you what he likes as you play with him and try things. Think of it as a game...pay attention to what his face looks like...are his eyes closed? Guys are not vocal so don't expect him to moan at everything. Pay attention when he is the most interested...thats what he likes the most. Check out sites that tell you where are the most pleasuranble zones are and different hand techniques and mouth techniques.


There is no reason why you should shove his whole penis in your mouth until you gag. To tell you honestly keep that as a special surprise....slowly take him as far back as you can and hold there for a bit and pull out more and do what you do. It's just as pleasurable to have your _LUBRICATED_ hand on the base and mouth at the tip working together. You're not a blowup doll.


WATCH PORN. The reason those women are hot is because they're confident in themselfves. Look at certain things they do as somethign to try. But don't degrade yourself to a c*m rag. Play around. Try things. He's your personal play toy....practise on him.....he won't be complaining lol. Use different speeds. Super slow can be really great and then speed up when he's closer to the blast off.


Another thing i want to mention is keeping it equal. You better be getting pleasured too.


Test for STDs. You don't want to get genital herpes in your mouth. What you're doing is sharing fluids and is sex....and you can catch everything doing what you are that you would catch via vagina. And when it comes time for the deed...WEAR A CONDOM. Technically he should be wearing one for pleasuring too.

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