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Bladder infections and sex

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I was wondering if anyone could suggest anything, which can help in avoiding bladder infections.


I've been together with the same guy for over 5.5 years now and we've been having sex for 4.5. From the start, I would get very serious bladder infections after sex. He's been very understanding and we shower right after every time, but I'm getting a bit tired of running to the bathroom immediately after [and I'm sure he is too, even though he hasn't said anything]. The infections come back and aside from being painfull and uncomfortable, they can get worst and lead to kidney problems.


Is there anything other than being obsessively clean and drinking gallons of cranberry juice that can help reduce or eliminate this?



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I have had the problem before and I can tell you a couple of things that worked for me. I hope you don't get embarrassed, since I'lll be quite frank.


• before having sex you should try to empty your bladder.

• think that if you guys touch the rectal area during sex, do not touch the vagina anymore, bacteria travel to the bladder really easily.

• if you get an infection, drink plenty of 100% pure cranberry juice, it tastes bitter (mix it with water) but it helps.


Talk to you OBGYN frankly about the issue.

It is inmportant that you learn as much as possible about it, because they are so painfull and if left unchecked, yes they can cause Kidney problems and you'll associate sex with something negative.



Hope that helps.

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