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Should I tell her..?


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This past friday I was out with my girlfriend and a bunch of her friends. We were all pretty drunk and my girlfriend walked away to go somewhere for a little bit and I was left alone with my girlfriend's friends. Her friend asked me who was drunk also if I wanted to kiss her. I said no and she came up and kissed me and I kissed her for a little bit. She told me not to tell my girlfriend and I havent because we'd both be in trouble. I thought it would be best if she didnt know and I would never do it again, but ever since then I've felt so incredibly guilty and bad. It's eating me up inside. I dont know what to do. I know for a fact if I dont say anything, she wont find out, but I want to tell her. I dont think she'll understand though. Please tell me if you think it would be best if I tell her. Dont tell me what you think you should say, tell me what you believe I should do. Please I need some opinions on this. I'm to ashamed to ask anyone else. Thank you

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First, I think you should put yourself in her shoes... and think about how you would feel if she had done the same thing to you. How would you feel if you knew [after she told you] and how would you feel if she didn't and this information surfaced up later.


Second, I think you should tell her. She needs to know what happened and where you guys stand. She will decide if she can trust you still/again or your drunk "friend".


Third, being drunk is NOT an excuse. If you cared for your GF, you would have stopped right away and told her what has happened.



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yeah i think you should tell her..even though its going to be really hard.Yeah as the other posts said what are you going to do if she finds out from her friend..thats going to look bad on you.If you tell her god knows whats going to happen...depends what type of a charecter she has.But if you do tell her she will respect you for it..it may not be apparent first of all but she will in the long run.If i were you i would go ahead and tell her..you carnt keep on carrying this guilt inside of you...plus she deserves to know...but its gonna be really hard for a while.


Be strong...whatever you do.

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that guilt with always be with you...If you have a good relationship, it will only be trouble for awhile...You cannot trust her friend, she may feel guilty and tell you girl...or what if she's testing you? I know it's underhanded but I don't trust girls sometimes...either way, tell her, tell her that her friend kissed you and that you didn't want to and backed off...

Not telling her is still lying to her....

If she does find out she will end it for sure because you lied to her.

If you tell her and show her how sorry you are, it will be alright.

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I think you should tell her. Just imagine what happens when she finds out on her own? You say you were with friends, and friends talk and eventually slip. It's best to say something up front. Than to hide it and then have to deal with her wrath for hiding it form her.

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Ok, if she EVER found out on her own it will go something like this: (i know i hve been there)


1.) she wont know if MORE happened than just a kiss

2.) she wont believe aything you try to tell her

3.) she will wonder if there is other stuff you havent told her about

4.) she wont trust you in the future, will be very jealous of other girls, and may become slightly paranoid.



My fiance kissed another girl while drunk when we first started dating. He tried to keep it secret at first, but i know him well and could tell somehting was up. He came clean, but after a few days. We had a lot of trust issues for a year or two after that that needed to be overcome. We are over it now, but it was very hard on me emotionally. You will probably want to cut ties with the girl you kissed too, that may make it easier on your girlfriend.


And its true, being drunk is no excuse. dont put yourself in those kind of situations if you cant control yourself when you are drunk.


You need to tell her though, bottom line, she will probably find out sometime. It will be WAY worse if she finds out herself. Tell her, and dont wait to long. And earn her trust back, even if it sux to have to do. If she is worth it to you than it will be worth it in the end.

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You should definitely tell her. Like everyone else has stated,you are going to look really bad if she finds out from someone other than you. Does she still hang out with this friend? If so, doesn't she deserve to know what type of company she is keeping? Have you seen the girl, even while she is just hanging out with your girlfriend? Your best bet is to come clean. I can promise you, if she finds out some other way, you are in deep shit. My husband and I have been together for 12years and married 7, he had an affair with my best friend. Thanks to my great detective work I found out. Boy would it have been easier on the both of us if he would have been brave enough to tell me himself. Good luck!

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You should tell her, expecially if you love her cause she won't be able to trust you if she ever finds out and eventhough your SURE....what if her friend brings it up when shes drunk again....what if she just did it for your girlfriend to see how much she can trust you....cause us girls do, do that! So you should definatly tell her, it would just be better!

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