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Haven't slept a wink, tonight


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I have backed down, I never responded to her last text Thurs nite, in which she indicated that she was busy and would let me know when she was available.


Women are so complicated, sometimes they just back out to see if you're really sincere...she had joked with me a few times inquiring "are you scamming (playing) me"?...in response to something sweet that I had said.

Maybe she knows that she's vulnerable just out of the LTR and is afraid of getting played/hurt.

I don't she anything wrong with maintaining casual contact, as long as I'm not 1) Being obsessive and creepy 2) Repeatedly initiating w/out response....I have done neither.


I don't even plan on asking her to hang out in my next text.

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Women are so complicated, somethimes they just back out to see if you're really sincere...she had joked with me a few times inquiring "are you scamming (playing) me"?...in response to something sweet that I had said.

Maybe she knows that she's vulnerable just out of the LTR and is afraid of getting played/hurt.


No... she is insecure. Maybe she was once or more times hurt by men.


You see, most men who just wanted sex are very fast & they do the sweetest things to a girl... till they got them in bed. These are the men who makes girls wary of whether is it real or not. Like fake currencies, they look so close to the real thing... These men also knows how to use the right words like Love, furture with you, wanting to have kids with you but not now.... etc...


Good that you backed down. Now just wait & see if she will come back... and then take it from there.


Good luck.

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Another thing, do you guys think that dating someone 2-3 times/week and meeting all of someone's family and friends, sleeping over requires a bit of an explanation as to why its over??

I know that I'd offer an explanation, at least via text lol.

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Another thing, do you guys think that dating someone 2-3 times/week and meeting all of someone's family and friends, sleeping over requires a bit of an explanation as to why its over??

I know that I'd offer an explanation, at least via text lol.


Just leave it for now... You might get an explaination later... or maybe you would get a nice surprise...

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In response to me asking when she is available and her telling me that she's busy and would let me know on Thurs night-UPDATE: I text her the following @3:15 pm today: Oh ok sounds good-BTW uve been pretty quiet on the text front-am I losn points? I knew that I should have studied up on my European River Systems! Lol


RE @10:36 pm tonight: "No but it appears as though I am a large * * * * * * * and I get nervous and do the mature thing and avoid people which you dont deserve and im terribly sorry for"

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What should I say to that!?


You should realize, that you are just bringing pain on yourself, if you continue pursuing something with this girl. She is not at all ready for a deep relationship with someone else. This is basically also what she is telling you.


Right now you seem way too stuck on her, and not really listening to our advice here. But I hope that you at least acknowledge, that you might be heading in the wrong direction, and that you might have to cut your losses at some point.


I don't think I have anything further to add.


Take care.

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I am stuck on her and I don't get like that over just any girl that I meet at the bar....I understand what you guys are saying.

Nothing ventured, nothing gained; I'll just express the fact that she can talk to me about it and I'll understand.

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Well, she invited me over tonight to talk.....just what I figured, she needs time to figure things out, blah, blah....so after sitting removed from each other, stand-offishly on the couch...we ended up making out when I went to leave because we both know that its prob gonna be the final time.

I told her that I respect her feelings and that she can text me if she'd like to see me and erased her # after I left.


Classic rebound, scenario.....she even said, "I am a cuddler, cuddling is what I miss from my last relatioship".....that clinches the fact that she doesn't love cuddling with me, but cuddling with a warm pulse to fill the void left by her relationship.


Thank you all, I feel much better with closure.

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I know it will hurt a lot but by erasing her number off your handy is the first right step to moving on.


With time you will heal from the pain. 1 year after today, you will remember her but without feeling that intensity of pain which you are feeling today.

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