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At one time......


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From a darker period in my life a few years ago.....




At one time, there was a future. A sense of hope and belonging that

two people share. In sharing our souls, there was peace, and the

knowledge that life was good.


At one time, there was happiness. Taking delight in each others

strengths and supporting each others weaknesses. There was peace, and

the knowledge that life was good.


At one time, there was togetherness. Knowing that there was support

and understanding. There was peace, and the knowledge that life was



At one time, there was love. A love that burned like a beacon in the

night. Unconditional. Special. Resilient. Tender. There was peace, and

the knowledge that life was good.


At one time, there was betrayal. And then there was forgiveness.

Accompanied by the unconditional love that allows one to forgive. And

yet, there was no forgiveness for yourself. Just guilt and self



Now there is no peace. Life is not good. Emptiness, sadness, a deep

ache where there once was life. Wandering, wondering, and tears of

despair. No sense of direction, the winds gone from my sails. Am I

destined to wander aimlessly forever?


I dread the night, for it brings the dreams. Dreams that are

shattered, broken, tormenting my soul. I awake sobbing, and reach for

what's not there.


I take no delight in the morning, because that spot is empty. Where

there once was a delight in looking forward to the day, there is now

nothing. A hollow shell stares back from the mirror. Where I was once

complete, I am now nothing.


At the day's end, the hollowness remains. A cancer eating away at the

core of who I am. Tears. Lots of tears. An anguish that threatens to

tear my very existence in two.


At one time, there was love. A love that burned like a beacon in the

night. Unconditional. Special. Resilient. Tender. That love is still

there. If only she would reach out and accept it.

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I love it!


It's beautiful!


I think there are many on this site that can relate to these words, you captured it sow well with your words.


It's beautiful.


Thanks for sharing it.


"Now there is no peace. Life is not good. Emptiness, sadness, a deep

ache where there once was life. Wandering, wondering, and tears of

despair. No sense of direction, the winds gone from my sails. Am I

destined to wander aimlessly forever?"


image removedNo! Your not!


We all get a second chance or a third or a fourth.lol


We just have to use it when it comes along.


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