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question about college


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well im not really sure 'cause i haven't been to college yet 'cause im a jr. in high school. but i would assume that it just makes you wake up and smell the real world. just my guess though. also it might make you more responsible or even the opposit, it could get you involved with the wrong people and mess up your life, but hey that could happen if you went to college or not, right? Are you worried about it? you can pm me if you want. love Qtpie87

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Actually let me give you a more serious answer...


You will find, if you are like me, that you must become more self reliant. I realized how much my mom and dad did for me. You will be exposed to new things and new people (the extent to which this affects you depends on your reaction)


Enjoy it! It is a great time, but don't forget to study. I am majoring in Electrical Engineering. If you are doing any science/engineering you will find movies like Van Wilder to be the exact opposite of the college experience.


If you can, get a meal plan. You will get sick of the food, but you don't want to worry about cooking when your busy.


Join clubs, go to sporting events all of that stuff...



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I actually lost 20 pounds just after high school and have yet to gain that freshman whatever the number is some say you get. But I'm in a community college and a Criminal Justice major too. Its A LOT different than hs and like the other poster said you really do realize how much your parents did for you. And there are A Lot of pretty girls at college too..atleast there are at my school..they outnumber the guys on the student ratio scale

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It can change you. It changed me into a better leader and no longer near as shy as I used to. Just go and have fun. That is the best advice anyone can give you. And in having fun I don't mean getting drunk all the time and never going to class. If you go to class (and not sleep in class, but actually taking good notes) everyday you are almost garaunteed to do well.

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I also lost 20 pounds. I found you become better with finances [actually, I feel that that was the only thing university taught me]. When you have to survive on 2 credit cards you get creative with everything. You realize who your true friends are on many occasions.

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i found i really changed, i went to an all girls school and didn't have much contact with guys then i found myself living with mostly guys, they really brought my self confidence out in me and i feel i've changed for the better but it also meant i had less in common with my friends from home which was quite sad.


But it depends on the person and how much they want to get out of the experience!!

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i think in some occasions a person becomes more independent and willing to work and proceed because these are their own choices, its how people interact that i believe we see the most change, there are no more pety arguments and nothing so simplistic blown out of proportion but i also feel there is much more acceptance within gender, culture and sexuality. i think there are changes but its seen mainly by the indvidual and each are different, maybe you wont change!



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  • 4 weeks later...

Yes, it often changes people.


Some people become much more liberal minded. Other's react, and become more conservative.


Generally, people become more open to listening to other ideas. Then of course they make thier own conclusions.


You'll become more independent. You're learn to write and speak better. At a large college there are hundreds of different student groups you can join, with like-minded people in them.

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Hey, I know exactly how you're feeling. I am currently a college freshman and I remember being really concerned my senior year in high school about losing my friends. People do change during college. There's nothing you can do about it and everyone changes in different ways. You cannot possibly predict how people will change. I know I've changed but I could not possibly tell you how. The changes people undergo are subtle and yet can seem huge. The best thing to do is to not worry about it. You will change too as well as your friends but you'll always have them as long as you keep up the effort to stay friends with them. You might not think you need new friends or want new friends, but when you go to college you will meet the people you'll be friends with for the rest of your life. By the time you get past your first year of college... your biggest concern will be how to deal with being away from your college buddies for 3-4 months. Don't worry about it, enjoy the time you have left in highschool, and stay in touch with the special ones. Just because people may change doesn't mean your friendship will.

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Yah - YOU WILL change in college - generally because you will learn something from there, whether its from experiencing so many new things like meeting all types of people - or finding out something about yourself because you are pushed to "succeed" in whatever your major is.


The main thing that will change I think is your general perspective of people (and hence, your perspective of yourself).


For myself - wow - I met so many people: chinese, japanese, korean, indian, american, canadian, aussies, english, african-american, middle-eastern people, irish, etc - you name it, I probably have encountered someone of that culture. Its the most eye opening thing in the world.


Not only culturally, you meet all kinds of personalities too: really weird, recluse, people, to fun, happy going party type people - to practical, smart people, to really dumb people, to really hardworking admirable people, to quiet, strong, silent type people - to really creative, leader type people - all kinds of people.


I don't know, having contact and communicating with all kinds of people really opens up your eyes about alot of things - why you do the things you do, what are your best qualities, what are your worst qualities, etc., because they hold up a mirror basically to yourself to compare from - and you get to "borrow" from other people's best qualities if you want to. I'm not sure if I make sense


And you get other cultural perspectives too - which if you didn't meet them, you would never know some cultures have totally different points of view, which in its own right is great - because - hey - differences are what makes the world go around - if everyone was the same - well, lets just say everyone would die of boredom I think.


Also, I learned alot about the opposite sex in college too, going through two serious relationships, and having some great conversations with female friends. This changes you too, because well, you learn so much about yourself from your relationships in general.


That's my two cents anyways.

Hi yaaaah!!

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College changes a lot of people, but not everyone...but most.

I became a much more confident person, much more out going...

I joined a Fraternity, and although I wouldn't say its for everyone, it was the best part of my college experience...The leadership i gained from it would be hard to get anywhere else...My house was smaller, but I got to know so many guys very well, from around the country...it like any other organization opens your eyes to things that are different from any thing you've experienced...simply by just listening to their stories fomr back home.


Be careful though...if you join (or anyone else) a fraternity or sorority be wise about which house you join...be sure they don't haze, I've had friends in other houses tell me some horror stories...And make sure that you join the house that feels right, not the one that's "okay, but my roommate is joining it so I will to." it's gotta feel right to you...


Then if you do join one...try not to indulge in the partying too much...grades always come first, and if anyone asks me my best memories from my house, 85% of them don't involve the partying (even though I did quite a bit of that!)


In general people become more open, more out-going, usually more confident in their own skin...

You will lose some of your friends from High School, not all, but you will make up for that loss in new friends!

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  • 2 weeks later...

College does change you. I just finished my first year there and it was the best decision in my life. I was scared when I first started cause I heard several horror stories about it but its not bad at all. It makes you realize what is important and what isn't in your life. Makes you see the world in a whole different life. You are a lot more independent in college than you are in high school, Its a lot easier in college to make friends and you don't feel as pressured.... College is a great time.. ENJOY it while you can


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I'm about to be a sophomore in college, and I must say that it did teach me some lessons so far. For one thing, it taught me that I need to do something more important and meaningful in life and not sit around and play video games all day. I joined a Christian club and it definitely changed my perspective on the way I should live.


And it's okay not to be a party person. I've never been to any parties or gotten drunk or anything like that and I still have some good memories so far. Your roommate may be a bit different than you, but the two of you can still enjoy the college experience together. Sometimes, you may get a little angry at the way they act sometimes (I did), but overall college can be a lot of fun if you put your mind to it.


Remember, do what you want to do and don't feel like you're pressured to join fraternities or anything like that if you don't want to join them.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The most valuable acquisition of my college years were understanding so many things. Before that I lived mostly in confusion, but after college you learn so many interesting things.


However, your experiece may vary according to the college you choose to attend.


The first university I attended was horrible. The profs were snobbish, the people competitive and jealous. Fortunately, I only went there for first year (you should know that the first year is the most difficult, you should try to choose easier courses).


After that, I went to a fantastic university with great profs and students. I completed my degree and went to another great university for post-grad. I really enjoyed my experience.


On the other hand, many of my friends went to universities they hated and they became kind of bitter. They hated their experience.


You must be careful choosing where to go.

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