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If you weren't interested would you....


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I met a great girl in college this year. We work in groups so it has made me gun shy on asking her out.


This girl is naturally beautiful, she looks great with or without makeup. One night during an IM I said she was gorgeous. The next day we met up at our class (even though it was cancelled) to play a joke on some people that didn't get the message. When I met her in the hall she looked more beautiful than ever.


My question is, if you were not interested in a guy that has said how attractive you are would you try to look like that or should I take that as a sign she is interested?



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I'm willing to bet she's interested. I'm the same way right now with a girl I go to college with, everytime I see her she's even more prettier than I saw her and it took a lot of guts to go up and start talking but she's been nothing but nice to me. But enough of my rambling you should just keep talking to her and get to know her then try to ask her out soon. I'm sure she's not taking the compliment you gave her on her looks the wrong way so I guess just play it slow and carefully

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Thanks for the input. I talked to her today, and asked her to go bowling with a few of my friends (and me obviously) on Thursday. I figured that a group setting would be less intimidating.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I posted this to the asking out for a date forum also but it relates in both forums so....


Okay, well I think this is a bad sign.


I talked to her today in class to see if she was busy this weekend. She mentioned that she did not have a report due until two weekends from now, so I thought it would be a good weekend to ask her out. After class as we were walking out I asked her if she had seen the Lady Killers. She said no, so I came back with, "Would you like to see it this weekend?" She said, "I don't know" followed by what felt like a full minute of silence, but it was probably only 10 seconds. and then said "Yeah, it seems like there is something I am supposed to do this weekend. " I said ok, then she said "but if I am free I'll call you."


I have a feeling I am not going to get a call. If I don't, I should take that as a rejection right?


On the bad side, of course is the rejection from the girl, on the good side, I now know rejection isn't the end of the world and hopefully asking girls out in the future will be easier. She was the first girl I had the nerve to ask out. Still is kind of a bummer...



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Asking out girls sucks man. I've only done it 5 times, all in high school, and they are one of the highest stress activities you will ever participate in. Not only do you have do deal with the answer, which may be a yes, but if it's a no, then you'd have to deal with seeing her in class and knowing that she turned you down.


On the positive side, kudos for doing it. You may be in the dumps if she turns you down, but at least you took the chance. 50-50 is better than 0%, right? And you won't be kicking yourself for the next couple months for not doing it.


I am currently in a very similar situation waiting on a girl's reply, who is in a class with me, and I know if she turns me down, things won't be the same, but that's a risk I was willing to take for her, and if she can't see that, maybe she wasn't worth it.

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Hope you have better luck than me. Secretly I am still hoping she'll call but I doubt it. Having to see her will definitely make it tough to get over her. Fortunately summer is right around the corner.


I can only imagine what breaking up feels like....



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Well...I talked to her again on Thursday and she casually mentioned an Airshow in her neck of the woods that was this weekend. So just when I wrote the whole thing off she is giving me a slightly mixed signal.


This Thursday is the last day of class, and probably the last day I will ever see her. So I am thinking about just asking her straight out if she is interested. Any suggestions on how to do that?



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