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Today, you stay with me forever


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I know you meant the things you said. I know you didn’t lie.

Today, you stay with me forever. Tomorrow . . . you change your mind.


You would do anything for me. You would make sacrifices of any kind.

Today, you stay with me forever. Tomorrow . . . you won’t give me any time.


You want to make me happy.You want to see me smile.

Today, you stay with me forever. Tomorrow . . . you will make me cry.


I gave you my heart. I bared all my emotions.

Today, you stay with me forever. Tomorrow . . . I’m not worth your devotion.


You made me feel special. You made me glow with pride.

Today, you stay with me forever. Tomorrow . . . you cast me aside.


You want to spend your life with me. I was all you need.

Today, you stay with me forever. Tomorrow . . . you want someone who isn’t me.


Words can be so sweet, so easy to believe in youth.

Today, you stay with me forever. Tomorrow . . . actions are the only proof.


It’s too late for you, too late for us. I was foolish. I was wrong.

Today, you stay with me forever. Tomorrow . . .you move on.


I’ve lost your love. I’ve lost all hope. How did it end this way?

Today, you stay with me forever. Tomorrow . . . is another day.


I only ever wanted love. I thought it was easy to find.

How wrong I was to assume . . .

. . . today, you stay with me forever and tomorrow . . . you would be by my side.

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