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My boyfriend broke up with me 6 weeks ago.We had been living together for over 2 years and together for 3 and a half.I didnt see it coming at all and it was totally out of the blue. He has alot of commitment issues and the fact I brought up buying a house together a week before he ended it im sure is no coincidence. I have heard nothing from him since he left and he told me he wasnt in love with me and something was missing for him.


I heard recently however that he is dating someone else already!!I cant believe it.Like who even has the head space for that?Im so hurt


The morning he ended it (over the phone no less) he told me he loved me.Now he is seeing someone else? Like it seems like i meant nothing to him at all.


This is really hard isnt it?

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You might have loved him more then he loved you, but be happy you heard it before you bought the house :S good grief! , don't worry your future is wide open, there's still plenty of oppertunity out there for you. Some guys are indeed scared of commitment, losing your freedom isn't pleasant, he might be still very young and want to experience the freedom of life, again its far from pleasant but still be happy you heard it earlier before making such huge commitments like buying a house then later.

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same thing happened to me in 2003. I remember my boyfriend broke up with me over the phone in the morning. i couldn't imagine how i was going to get through the day. he couldn't face me. he couldn't talk to me. it still to this day brings back those horrible and hurt feelings. it's hard, but you remember that this is your life and no one should treat you that way. take control and don't give him any power. for that, i would go NC. I did and he came running back. we got back together and lasted 7 years.


anyway, NC is the way to go. please take care of yourself.

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