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Do those sexual enhancers really work?


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Has anyone ever tried or know anyone who has tried those sexual enhancing supplements that are out there? I need to know whether they really work. My husband has like no sexual desire and he agreed to take them, but i don't want to buy them without knowing if they really work. Any ideas will be helpful!

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Have you ever heard of "Dharma and Greg"? It is like one of the BEST tv shows about a married couple. The wife is totally weird, and the guy is a lawyer trying to figure her out....or something like that. But anyway, the MAIN point is that their sex life totally stays alive, and this is where I have got a lot of my ideas for twisting things up a bit. Nobody likes the same old thing. Email your husband sexy little notes with little hints...or inuendos that only you and him might understand. When driving in a car, attempt to start something jokingly. Totally make the whole idea fun.


I think every husband gets to the point at on point or another where their wife wants it more than he does. If you want other quirky ideas...I've got a ton of them.

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Was he like that before you got married? Was there ever a time in the past when he really liked sex with you? If yes, then there's something else bothering him, and there's a chance to work it out. If no, then you were not deceived and so you'll just have to accept him the way he is.

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Yes that's my question to, was your husband like this before you two were married?


When you two were just dating, how was your sex life then?


I agree with the other post in that, if your sex life was atleast 'alive' then, and now it's just completely gone, i think there may be some honest underlying problems...Get back to me about it

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The first couple of months that we were dating it was every night and he seemed more interested in sex. After the 3rd month it all went down hill. We had another talk on Saturday night after he noticed that i was upset about something. I let it all go out on how he was making me feel undesired and that i was not happy with the intimate aspect of our relationship. Let me explain something my husband just got out of federal prison in Nov. and he has been in a supervised release program since then and his every move is controlled by them. He can't leave the house only to go to work and thay constanly call to make sure he is home. he says that all of this is really stressing him out and that as soon as this part is over that things will get better. It will all be over in May. I understand all that, but then again i dont. I waited 2 years for him faithfully and i was sexually deprived and now i am still sexually deprived. I am trying to be understanding, i really am, but I don't know anymore.

All this has been driving me crazy and it's made me so insecure that i analyze every move he makes and all our coversations. I often think that he's fooling around and it's really making me miserable. I have tried to be more playful and it really hasn't worked. I'm just not sure of anything anymore.

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Yikes, you are really in a tough position. If he really is under a lot of stress, then sticking by him is the best thing to do.


Ask yourself, does he honestly love you? Minus your sex life...does he love you? Ask the same thing about yourself...do you really love him. Although, I think we already know that answer is going to be "yes".


If this is the case, you need to stick together through thick and thin. This means that even if he isn't giving you very much, be patient.


If you really think he is fooling around with someone else, then maybe you should start looking for proof. Don't look too hard though, because you can find something questionable with even the most innocent husband if you look hard enough. But if you dont' find anything....dont' dwell on it. If he is actually cheating on you, it WILL come out eventually.

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Yeah, I guess you're right. i am just going to go with the flow for now and just wait and see if things start to get better when our lives go back to normal.


I know that he's a great guy and a great father to our son and my two daughters from a previous mistake, but it's really hard for me to trust any guy. I just have the all men will cheat mentality. I know it's not right and i'm trying really hard not to think this way, but the problem is "I think too much" you know what I mean.

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Hmmmm ... I disagree ... I think that you have an underlying problem. Ignoring it and 'going with the flow', will do nothing - might act as a band-aid, but will not solve your problem.


You have to create an environment of trust so that your husband can tell you what is really bothering him.


Good luck.


G xx

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