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No One Said Life Was Fair(chapter 2)


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For all you people interested, chapter 2 in this story



Chapter 2

Oh this looks tasty, thought Scott looking down at the taco hotdish on his tray, And hold

on is that a HAIR I see in this. O for the love of cranberry juice! Let's see, now where should I

sit...Nicole or Ema, Nicole or Ema, NICOLE OR EMA! Uhh well, Nicole's sitting with Gregg

Cates, ugh I hate him, and Ema does look a little lonely, I'll go sit with her.

Scott walked over to where Ema was sitting, and he could tell she wasn't expecting him.

She looked a little panicked, but happy, as he sat down, and she immediately started putting her

books in a neat pile.

"Hey, Scott," she said, "I thought you were going to sit with Nicole."

"Ya, well, uhh, she looked like she was busy," he stammered, trying to avoid the subject.

"Oh, is it because she's sitting with Gregg?" she asked slyly, knowing all to well that was


"Uhh no, not really, she just uh looked like she didn't want to be interrupted, that's all,"

Scott stuttered out.

"Riiiight," she said rolling eyes.

"Uh huh, well," Scott said, changing the subject, "what was that history test like?"

"Not to hard," laughed Ema, "but there was Caleb Fitzgerald who was talking through the

whole test, so Mr. Grant tore his paper in half, and Caleb said, 'Well at least I don't need to

worry if it was Louis and Clark or Sonny and Cher who explored the Louisiana Purchase.' It was

SO funny!"

Scott laughed, "Ya, that sounds like Caleb."

Meanwhile over at the table with Lance and Jessica, things were going a little differently.

"Jeez, Jess," Lance said, "you're a little quiet today, what's up?"

"Huh? O nothing," Jessica responded, "it's just that I don't think I did to well on that

history test, that's all. I got to go study for that science test, if I don't get at least a B on that, my

parents'll kill me."

"You want me to you?" Lance said concernly.

"No, no, I'm ok," she answered.

"You sure that's all that's bugging you?" he asked, "You've been acting really strangely


"No, I'm fine, see you in French," Jessica said, and walked away.

"Ya, bye!" he called after her.

Huh, I wonder what's with her. Lance thought, She's been like that for about a week now.

I hope I didn't do anything. Nah, we have had a lot of work lately, so she's probably just

stressing out over that.

Lance went and joined Scott and Ema for the rest of lunch, "Hey guys, what's up?"

"Hey, Lance, I thought you were eating with Nicole," Scott said as he turned around.

"Ya, well, she had to go study for that science test we have today," Lance answered.

"That sucks," Ema said, "well why don't you just eat lunch with us?"

"What else do you think I'm doing?" he answered jokingly.

"So, you guys want to do anything tonight?" Ema asked.

"Nope, you want to do something?" asked Scott.

"Sure I was thinking about going miniature golfing, you want to go, Lance?" she said.

"Love to but can't, I have a date with Jess tonight, we're going bowling and then for

pizza," he answered, "if she doesn't break that date too."

"I don't think she will," Scott said trying to cheer up his friend, "so I guess it's just you

and me, Ema?"

"Yup, guess so, too bad you can't go too, Lance," she replied putting on fake remorse to

cover up the fact that she was very happy to spend a night alone with Scott.


"Oh, well I guess I get to go take that history test," Scott grumbled.

"And I get to take the science one," Lance growled.

"Have fun, boys," laughed Ema.

So the friends went their separate ways, each thinking about their separate agendas and

worries. Scott, if he ever would hook up with Nicole; Lance, what was up with Jessica; and Ema,

what she'd wear tonight, and if she'd be able to go out with Scott.

All of them were thinking about the Fall Fantasia Dance next Friday. It was the big 8th

grade dance in the fall, kind of like a mini prom, the guys had to wear tuxes, and the girls had nice

dresses. It was on the mind of every 8th grade kid. It was something all the girls had been

thinking about since 6th grade, the pretty dresses, the corsage, being asked by a cute guy to the

dance. It was something the guys had been dreading since 6th grade. First there was asking the

right girl, and then there was the fact very few guys new how to dance, and third, they just didn't

wan to wear tuxes. But either way, everyone who was anyone was going. And with all this

uncertainty of love floating around in the air, Scott, Lance, and Ema didn't know who to go with,

or if they should ask who they wanted to. The friends had a lot on their minds.

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