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afraid of the rejection and unsure of how to approach him


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hey im only 14 and in the 8th grade and there is this guy i REALLLLLY wanna ask out but im really afraid of the rejection and kinda unsure of how 2 approach him and hes really shy but i hav liked him for like 5 months and its driving me insane bcuz we r in 5 classes 2 gether and i think he like me 2 cuz he is always flirting w/ me but 3 times one of my friends has gone up 2 him and told him i liked him and he didnt say anything and and and IM GOING COMPLETELY AND TOTALLY INSANE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


(p.s. 4 heavens sake i typed i love (his name) 1000 times on a word document!!!!!!!)

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start out with a simple hi and make some eye contact..he will 50/50 smile back n say hi or whats up ..what ever how yall talk lol..or he will act like i didnt hear u and avoid u..take the chance and im sure hell do the first one..2nd one sounds rediculous..believe it can happen

im just bein real with u chicky..so take ur chances..after sayin hi once start walkin with him n ask him how he is doin..if he plays a sport thats a good icebreaker..be like soo hows (?) name of sport going? and if he says good..be like ive been meaning to go to one of ur games...or something simple like that will make him happy u reconize his existent..

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Yikes...my little sister is your exact age and grade, and is having the exact same issue 8)

I wouldn't suggest having your friends go and tell him you like him anymore. It might scare him off. If it comes from anyone, it should come from you That way you have a better chance.


Emotional had some great ideas. definitely try those and I'm sure you will find out where you stand real quick. After all, at this age, guys are WAY confusing too

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well the reason this is in the shy guy part is bcuz he is REALLLLLLLLLY shy i dont know how 2 apoproach him and i dont no wut hes like all i no is that he doesnt play ne sports al i no that he likes doing like that is art and i cant draw a straight line but 1 of my best friends is n his art class but i think im gonna ask him out on monday slowly ill ease n2 it but i relllllly dont know how if u hav ne more advice like that than that wou;d be EXTREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEMELY appreciated!!!!!!!!!

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Why not ask to see some of his work? You don't have to be an artist to be interested in what he does


Maybe you can find out what kind of art he likes to do (painting, charcol, computer art, etc) and do a little bit of research before you go talk to him.

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