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Insecure guy or just wants reasurance?

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I am with this guy 3 months. whenever i go out, he will jokingly make reference as to whether i was a good girl. when i went on vacation he did that from day 1. i am loyal so i dont mind reasuring him. just wondering at what point will he just let go, let his feelings show and realize i am not gonna hurt him?

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Sorry to say but usually those kind of insecurities get worse as the relationship deepens. The more he loves you the more he will fear the loss of losing you and the more reassurance he will need especially since you showered him with it in the beginning and if you try to stop later he will think its a warning sign. Dont feed his insecurities and let him be sure of himself without needing your reassurance on these kinds of things or things will get worse. Believe me Ive been there.

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Just keep taking things slowly and see how it plays out. A comment is a comment. You're insecure ... that doesn't mean you can't have a healthy relationship. Maybe he's insecure a little, maybe not. If he treats you well overall, just go with the flow.


Trust builds with time and getting to know each other.

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Yes, i know that i am insecure. i am getting better just by him making sure i made it home ok, and telling me to be careful. maybe he isnt insecure, but doesnt trust me yet. maybe his ex did inappropriate things when she went out...who knows? it only bothers me that he doesnt trust me. maybe next time i should just ask him, because if he doesnt i want to know why.

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