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Guys with Glasses..Girls Please Answer


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Girls..A quick question here for and anyone else thats welcome to reply..Thankyou all in advance..


What do you girls think of guys who wear glasses..I'm not talking the Steve Urkel type with them worn on a strap around one's neck or thick bifocal or "coke-bottle" style..just plain and simple frames nothing off the wall. I mean a lot of people brand me as the 'nerd' or 'geek' type..which sometimes I take as a compliment rather than an insult cause I feel I'm a fairly intelligent person but a lot of times it gets to me. I'm 20 was able to loose a lot of weight and look different now but I kept my glasses because simply I can't wear contacts..my eye doc. says I need to keep wearing glasses to protect my eyes and I'm starting to wonder if this is a factor that prevents me from being able to get a date with a girl because some people I know say " Oh she won't go for you..your just a nerd" and blah blah blah which I really don't listen to anymore at all.


So girls would you date a guy who wore glasses or do you honestly prefer without or does it even matter to you?


Thanks for reading and replying

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Glasses per se pose no problems. Yes, the right frame is important. Pick a good one, ask a friend who'll give you the brutal truth. I think generally, guys look better with smaller frames (the rim). The other really important thing is the thickness of the lens. Get good, expensive lenses if you can afford them. They really make a big difference. Cheaper lenses tend to be thicker and reflect too much light. (And with a small frame, the lens get to be thinner and still provide the same prescription)

The geekiness thing comes from real thick lenses that make your eyes look funny. Third thing is to maybe also keep a pair of prescription sunglasses, or glasses with clip on shades so you look cool. Lastly, I think it's generally a good idea to take the glasses off when you make out with a girl.

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Dude, I'm a Guy and i wear Glasses, But you see i sport my prescription with some style, I went and invested some money into a custom pair of RAY BAN Glasses, they are Polarized for when i do my Bass fishing in the early months of spring, Fishing the prespawn-spawn-post spawn time periods, they are almost crucial to have on hand while spot fishing for large male bass crusing shallow flats in early sping, but this isn't the B.A.S.S forum i am a member on, so I'll stick too your post.


These glasses can be made to look like anything, casual, sport, for school.. and really they don't even look like they are prescription glasses, get them in the Clear lenses. ask your doctor about them, I'm sure he can order some for you, and if you want to get really into it (style) go Okley prescriptions. with transition lenses..they will cost you a pretty penny..so be prepared to spend some money if you go this way.

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would i date a guy with glasses?

well... yes! as long as the guy is nice i'm ok with dating a guy with glasses. as you might have so often heard... "beauty comes from the within" so... it doesn't really matter to me if a guy has glasses. and if any girl rejects you - shes not worth it

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i wouldnt say its a put off no, i think can be very appealing when they wear glasses, i think men can chose the wrong type but i dont think i wouldnt date a man because of it, i mean glasses, come on, its just like a piece of clothing or an accessory (well ithelps yeah) but would you not date me if i wore a bow on my head or a top you didnt like that day?


its silly. so yeah i would,



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Personally, I do not think there is anything wrong with wearing glasses. I'm sure any girl would rather her boyfriend wear them rather than walk around squinting all day long and bump into things.

Besides, glasses CAN be sexy, all you need to do is find the right shape for your face.

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I'm not a girl, but here's a nice reccomendation: have you tried transitions? I have glasses, and the lenses are transitions. If you don't know, transitions are lenses that tint in sunlight 8) , really nifty. I have a set, and people really like it, and not only that, but it also protects your eyes from the suns rays. Two good things in one, ask your doctor if you can get some when you can.

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thanks for the replies like I said I got a pair of glasses that seem to suit me well and the lenses are clear(not transition though cause I've never been a big fan of them) and the frames are Eddie Bauer like I mentioned earlier..


But what can I say it hurts when people make comments like "Oh your a nerdy looking guy she wouldn't look or talk to you" or one of my favorites to get irritated when hearing: "you couldn't handle her anyway she's not your type"-that last one I snap back a remark of you don't know what either mine nor her "types" would be so whats it to you! So thanks for all the replies!..

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Personally, I think guys look better in glasses then girls do (that's just my opinion).


I don't think it matters what you have on your face--if she likes you, she likes you regardless of your spectacles. If she has a problem with your specs, well, then she's not the girl for you. Too bad for her, huh.


Hey, you're gorgeous and you know it--with or without your specs!


All the power to you.

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P.S. Don't let your specs hold you back in life. Regardless of what others say venture forward and ask that girl out anyway.


Advice for you:


"The most unfortunate thing that happens to a person who fears failure is that he limits himself by becoming afraid to try anything new. Give yourself a chance."

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I love glasses [both wearing them and other people in them]. I like guys in glasses. My BF doesn't wear any but I love it when he tries on mine when we're goofing off. He looks great [either way].


If you wear simple glasses, thin, metal in black or silver, they're barely noticeable. People are only going to go "WOW" if you pick Dame Edna type of frames I know a lot of people who don't need glasses but wear them because they feel good in them.


Finding frames you like will take a while... but take the time and go from store to store, trying many on and see what YOU like the most and what's comfortable. Don't let the sales people push you into anything. They will tell you anything to make the sale [i almost fell for one... ].

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thanks I think I've got a good set of frames I got a set from Eddie Bauer named Newport, they don't make them anymore but my lenses aren't thick at all but I guess they are a good pair if anyone's heard of them let me know what you think. otherwise Thanks for all your input and replies it has certainly made me feel better about wearing these things.

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