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I dont know what I should do

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Ok heres the situation. My English instructor reviewed my essay and typed in some of my sentences into google. Unfortunately, my essay was plagarize and got zero on it. This is also grounds for being dismissed from the college


I dont know what I should do and what I should talk to the instructor. I regret myself that I plagarize the essay and for that I feel I want to just kill myself. I have enough else to say but if anyone out there that will give me suggestion what I should talk to the instructor I would appreciated

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Sorry but that is really dumb... you are taught about plagarizing in grade 5.


No sympathies here... I think you should learn this tough lesson.... and I don't think you shoudl be excused from it.


You may not be expelled from college, but that's what most of them do... you should at least get some punishment for taking someone else's work.

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Academic dishonesty is very serious at most colleges...they can't give you a diploma for someone else's work. Talking to your professor might clear your consciense, but it probably won't help you earn his/her trust back. Why not set up a meeting with him/her and before you go, write up a paper that is your own original work, showing you have your own original ideas.

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Most colleges have a stated policy about this. I even had to sign something stating I would not do it on grounds of expulsion. I think you made a very bad decision and are going to have to apply for readmission on probation.

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sh***y situation. you made a mistake. i know most institutions are becoming increasingly vigilant about this sort of thing.


i think you need to bite the bullet and accept the consequences for this one...whatever those may be. try not to beat yourself up over it though. you made a mistake. it's not the end of the world. it might be a temporary source of inconvenience and embarassment...but it's definitely not the end of the world. whatever the outcome...you'll learn from this mistake and move forward. we all make mistakes...even big ones. it's a sign of your humanity.

try to look at this as an opportunity to become a better person.

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You are going to have to face the consequences for your actions. The mature thing is to accept that it is going to hurt and to learn from your mistakes. Dishonesty is a horrible thing and it is only just that you face a punishment. For now you will have to face your guilt and eventually you may be able to move on from this event in your life after you've learned from it...

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