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My exes wife and I have been talking every now and then online and shes a very sweet lady and I like her a lot, she even told me i could talk to her about my dad if i needed to (her father passed away as well, so she can relate) but would it be weird if i sent her a message thanking her for being so cool with me? I don't think she'd be weirded out by that. I just am glad that she WANTS TO even talk to me, since most women would want nothing to do with their mans ex. I also don't want to be crossing some line either. But, since SHE even instigated the contact first, would it be dumb of me to tell her that I appreciate that she wants to talk to me? If its weird, of course I won't do it, but I wanted opinions on this issue lol. And honestly, hes more of a friend than an ex. We had been friends since I was like a baby and only "dated" (long distance) for just a few months.

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Well you guys only dated long distance a few months. And as long as he is ok with things too.

Just make sure you guys don't talk about relationship stuff too much. I think just in general people shouldn't go on and on about it and keep certain things private (even with friends, but that's just my opinion).

And just make sure not to give too much of a (good/bad) opinion in regards to your ex. I'm sure you won't have much bad stuff to say since you guys remained friends, but if they're ever having issues always remain neutral.

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Well you guys only dated long distance a few months. And as long as he is ok with things too.

Just make sure you guys don't talk about relationship stuff too much. I think just in general people shouldn't go on and on about it and keep certain things private (even with friends, but that's just my opinion).

And just make sure not to give too much of a (good/bad) opinion in regards to your ex. I'm sure you won't have much bad stuff to say since you guys remained friends, but if they're ever having issues always remain neutral.


oh I woudnt do that. I am TOTALLY over EVERYTHING that happened with him (including him cheating on me) and he's fine with me and her talking too. we actually talked about that, she knows everything that went on with us (although, i dont know if he told her that he cheated on me, but its not my place to ask). I just don't want to make HER uncomfortable. But no, i would NOT bring him up too much. I just simply want to thank her for giving me a chance and not seeing me as the evil ex that she has to worry about (which is why i didn't try to contact her, i waited for her to contact me). But the times ive communicated with her, I really like her and think HE is lucky to have HER lol. I would never want to do ANYTHING to come between them, that is their business and THEIR business alone, I have no part in that.

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