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Should I postpone the date?


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Over the top dramatics, again.


Just for arguments sake, lets say you can't date because your hair....will it really put you out of commission for 5 weeks? Really?


Regardless, this is yet another lame excuse. Do you even want to date?


You said yourself that you don't expect her to wait around...so right now that gives you 0% chance with this girl. ZERO. Why not go...take the suggestions from those who have posted and give yourself some chance?


good answer!

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holy crap i missed the part where he can't date until july. i like how planned out CD's life is. up to the hour he gets mad if someone affects him at specific times of the day. then you ask him a question and he responds he did that back in february of '06 or something. talk about having a good memory though i guess, but geez. now he cannot date until this date and by 36 or whatever he will be married with 2 children living at this address ____ with this car ____ working here ____. live spontaneous man. get your hair fixed and go out on schedule.

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Over the top dramatics, again.


Just for arguments sake, lets say you can't date because your hair....will it really put you out of commission for 5 weeks? Really?


Regardless, this is yet another lame excuse. Do you even want to date?


You said yourself that you don't expect her to wait around...so right now that gives you 0% chance with this girl. ZERO. Why not go...take the suggestions from those who have posted and give yourself some chance?


Well that's why I'm sitting here now thinking of others way to fix it

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Well that's why I'm sitting here now thinking of others way to fix it


how bad could it possibly be.


instead of sitting there...get up, try doing things people suggested for a change. hair gel...go to a hair dresser...try on a hat...something.

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I tried to be positive about and go in the bathroom and make some adjustments but it was nothing I could do. I'm so mad right now because this ruined my week after being so happy about getting the job I wanted now I have to go to a new job looking like a fool. So it's official, I can't date until July.


A bad haircut ruined your week? Can I have your life? Because if something this minor ruins your week, your life must be pretty great.


You are looking for excuses not to go. It's so obvious to everyone but you. Luckily we're here to tell you, though.

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A bad haircut ruined your week? Can I have your life? Because if something this minor ruins your week, your life must be pretty great.


You are looking for excuses not to go. It's so obvious to everyone but you. Luckily we're here to tell you, though.


Honestly i get so annoyed with CD's threads i just have to post to see if he will actually listen for once. Someone has to speak up about his actions and in all honesty i really dont think he is the person he says he is or even has a date or a hair cut lined up for that matter. He probably doesnt even have any hair period anywhere. Just a hairless roly poly.


Sorry to bash on you CD but so many of us attempt to help you but you only reply to what you want to hear and even at that your replies dont even acknoledge the help being handed to you. what the hell is your deal. ](*,)

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Alright, I've had enough of this "I want to but I can't" BS.


You whine about not getting a date. Then cancel because it rains. Or because the game is on. Or because you don't wanna drive too far. BLAH BLAH FRICKETY BLAH.


You whine because you can't find a job. Then you give up a secured job for a different job interview (not job offer).


FINALLY - You get a date AND a job offer, and what do you do? Whine over a stupid haircut? GET OVER IT. You're supposed to be a MAN, not a 12 year old MANCHILD.


Either go on the date (and I have no idea why any girl would date you since you keep blowing them off - especially if she ever found this board) or sit here and piss and moan some more about how girls are never interested in you and nothing ever goes your way.


You expect girls to follow your guide lines to a 'T'.






--c. but only if A+a+b /=/ D,C,E,or 9.

C. IF and ONLY IF A+c = 4987-23+monkeys in a barrel.


If you don't meet ALL of the above guidelines, you're not worthy of dating CD.



Seriously dude... quit whining. There are some of us who can't find jobs or get dates, despite our best efforts. I would jump on the first job offered to me, and I'd love to find a date as well. I wouldn't come here and say "well, I have this, but I want that instead. Screw this. GIMME THAT!!!!!111oneoneone"

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I've cancelled a first date because of PMS. I've also gone home at lunch time to re-wash and style my hair if I was having the worst possible hair day (meaning hair clip or ponytail wouldn't even work).

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CD, if a guy cancelled a date with me and told me it was because he'd gotten a bad haircut, I would assume he was lying and he just didn't want to see me. I'm not sure whether you were planning on telling her the real reason or if you were going to make up an excuse, but I just thought I'd throw that out there.


And, in regard to your hair: It can't be THAT bad. I can't think of much a barber could to to completely destroy a man's hair. Even if she gave you a crew cut or shaved your head bald, most guys still would look fine. Women's hair is a LOT more likely to be screwed up (cutting too much off, bad color job, etc.)


A guy's hair is not even close to the first thing I notice on a date.

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LOL Off topic but...... In all fairness, my ex went to Supercuts and they completely destroyed his hairstyle. For 3 years, he continued going there and looked like Moe from the Three Stooges ever since. All because he was too pigheaded to go to a salon and get it fixed.

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