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Should I postpone the date?


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I think are overly concerned about it. There are far more important things (physical and non-physical) to judge you on other than your hair. And I doubt it looks that bad. Don't find excuses to not go on the date. You may not get another chance if you cancel. She might think you just made an excuse to be nice because you have another date or something. Or she might think you are being a flaky player-type.


I tried to be positive about and go in the bathroom and make some adjustments but it was nothing I could do. I'm so mad right now because this ruined my week after being so happy about getting the job I wanted now I have to go to a new job looking like a fool. So it's official, I can't date until July.

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you ask for female advice - we give it - you say you know women enough

you ask for job advice - we give it - you say you know the career world enough


where did your confidence go? go to another barber and get it fixed. even if you have to shave your head.


There is nothing another barber can do until my hair grows back. The damage has been done. So that's why I will have to wait about month to go out on another date.

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Wow so if she canceled on you for the same reason, what would your reaction be?


(Answer: coming on here and bad mouthing her)


or sending her a nasty email telling her where to go cause nobody cancels on CD.

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CD stop being a baby and grow a pair! You have all day today to go to a barber and get it fixed rather than sitting your lazy butt on here chatting all day for attention. Keep the date going or your losing another opportunity. you get like 3 dates a year if your lucky it seems so your gonna blow date number 1 cause of a messed up hair cut? Just make humor of it, it couldnt have been that messed up. post a picture and let us be the judge. Ive noticed you have never put up a picture. are you really who you say you are or some 500lb bed ridden dude? prove us wrong

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CD stop being a baby and grow a pair! You have all day today to go to a barber and get it fixed rather than sitting your lazy butt on here chatting all day for attention. Keep the date going or your losing another opportunity. you get like 3 dates a year if your lucky it seems so your gonna blow date number 1 cause of a messed up hair cut? Just make humor of it, it couldnt have been that messed up. post a picture and let us be the judge. Ive noticed you have never put up a picture. are you really who you say you are or some 500lb bed ridden dude? prove us wrong


bum bum bum bummmmmmmmmmmmm. do it

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Ladies if you went to the Hairdresser and they messed up your hair and you had a date scheduled this weekend would you postpone it? My barber did a horrible job on my hair today and I'm so upset and was wondering should I postpone the date? I want my hair to look right when I meet someone for the first time. I was all set to go on my first date since November and now this happens.




I would still go anyway. If they weren't attracted to me because of that what would they do when I gained 5lbs on my period from shoving my face with ice cream.

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I would still go anyway. If they weren't attracted to me because of that what would they do when I gained 5lbs on my period from shoving my face with ice cream.


You know if you had a date with a cute guy and your hair was a disaster that you would make up a reason to cancel the date

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CD, this isn't high school. Put some gel in your hair or something. It can't be that bad.


haha mmm no. Because I have really awesome hair in general and I don't think anyone could mess it up. jk.


Come on now. If my hair was a mess, I'd make sure my make up looked awesome and say *** it.

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If everything else looked good and it was just my hair, I would go and make a joke out of it. Wear a hat or something, I dunno. What are you doing for your date?


I think it's just in poor taste to cancel a date, and I doubt she would want to wait until July just so you can feel comfortable with your hair again.

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If everything else looked good and it was just my hair, I would go and make a joke out of it. Wear a hat or something, I dunno. What are you doing for your date?


I think it's just in poor taste to cancel a date, and I doubt she would want to wait until July just so you can feel comfortable with your hair again.




See the problem is your hair controls your face and outfit and that's the problem. I have seen below average girls look so much better when they had a nice hairstyle. Your hair is the starting point of your physical appearance period.

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See the problem is your hair controls your face and outfit and that's the problem. I have seen below average girls look so much better when they had a nice hairstyle. Your hair is the starting point of your physical appearance period.


Good bodies go a long way too. just saying.

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See the problem is your hair controls your face and outfit and that's the problem. I have seen below average girls look so much better when they had a nice hairstyle. Your hair is the starting point of your physical appearance period.


If it was all about the hair, we could all be gorgeous with the right hair stylist.

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Good bodies go a long way too. just saying.


I don't have a good body which is why I rely on my hair, face, and personality. But without the hair, I'm going to be messed up a little. Kind of like playing basketball with a broken arm. I need to be at full strength when going on a date

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I don't have a good body which is why I rely on my hair, face, and personality. But without the hair, I'm going to be messed up a little. Kind of like playing basketball with a broken arm. I need to be at full strength when going on a date


Ha, I sympathize, I really do because I feel the same way about myself. My body is okay, but it's really my hair/face/personality that I rely on. But the truth is- you canceling on the date last minute will be a bigger turn off than a bad hair cut. trust me.

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Why on earth are people indulging this nonsense?


If the girl judges you on your hair, is that the sort of person you want as a partner anyway? You need to be at full strength for dating? You're not Samson.


I think you need to slap yourself repeatedly.

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I can't date until July.


Over the top dramatics, again.


Just for arguments sake, lets say you can't date because your hair....will it really put you out of commission for 5 weeks? Really?


Regardless, this is yet another lame excuse. Do you even want to date?


You said yourself that you don't expect her to wait around...so right now that gives you 0% chance with this girl. ZERO. Why not go...take the suggestions from those who have posted and give yourself some chance?

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