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Hi Everyone ~

I am back with another question & heartache. My ex I just found out last night is "seeing" someone ... I really love this guy and want him back with my whole being... we went thru a lot emotionally... he even helped me cope with the fact that i was gang raped in april last year...


He told me when he broke up with me that he had no desire to date at all and was still trying to figure out what he wanted/needed in a relationship after coming out of a 2 year relationship with his first gfriend. at the time of our breakup he even told me he didn't know if he'd date again or ever cuz he didn't want to hurt anyone like he hurt me... yet now, 2 months later, he's seeing someone else... was he just dishing out a list of lines when he broke my heart? and is there any way to get him back now that he has this new girl he's dating? btw, he supposedly is my friend now but yet he's not mentioned this girl. i found about her via a friend of his.


any advice or thoughts would be most welcome... gracias

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Stolen Heart….

I feel for you. I have just gone through (and am still going through!) a similar situation.


My boyfriend broke up with me and told me he didn't want to be in a relationship…wanted to be alone etc etc. Then 2 months later I find out through a friend that he is "seeing someone"


It really is the most heartbreaking thing. What I figure is that your ex is putting a big band Aid over the situation. Of course he is not just 'over you".


Right now, regardless of what happens…you need time for YOU. Take all the time you need to heal and become a stronger person…for your next relationship – whether it be with him or with someone else.


Fill your life up with as much as possible. See friends, go out and dance!, spend time with your family, exercise , paint…whatever….anything to keep your mind off HIM!


Don't try to imagine your ex with the new girl….

Chances are, it won't end up being a serious long term relationship…

He is on the rebound … he hasn't just forgotten about you.


Give it time, try to move on…regardless of the outcome.


I lost the love of my life 6 months ago now. Although I do still want him back…I have gotten on with my life, and am a much better person for it.


Please keep me updated …and feel free to read my previous posts on my sutuation.




p.s Things will get better!

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Welcome to my world....my ex broke up with me 2 months ago and she was everything i've looked for and I somehow knew this right when I met her.....kind of weird since i've never over my many relationships felt this. I was doing alright for a week or so, but the past 2 days have been hell...i try to keep myself occupied, but they slip in and that once thought is enough to send me into an emotional wreck....which is crying and complete hostility. If you wanna read any of my post just click on my name and follow the link.


I'll post something more later......good luck.....I know i need it

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thank you both for your replies and thoughts... does anyone else have anything to share? well, i sent the guy an email asking where we stood. i don't know if that was the right thing to do but i felt like a weight was lifted off my shoulders when i pushed the "send" button. the email basically mentioned that i hadn't seen him in a couple weeks or heard from him for that matter. i asked if everything was ok and whether our friendship was a joke... i guess it was a bold/blunt message but i've been hurt and needed some sort of closure (?) and/or answers... well guess what? lo and behold he hasn't replied... go figure... i guess you could say that means he is gone from my life entirely, right? there's no other way to look at the situation, right? because its been 3 days now since i sent the email (this is the 3rd day) and he hasn't breathed a word to me. also, my email posed a question in the conclusion as to whether he was desirous of a friendship with me or not... well no reply and my heart screams from the pain and loss... yet i guess its better to know where one stands with the ex then to assume a number of things while fooling oneself that there is a friendship... right? or am i fooling myself?





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Stolen heart....I am in the same exact boat as you are. I'd love to know the right thing to do. This girl was my first true love and I just feel like i've been duped. She act towards me in completely different in everyway possible.


I don't understand....she promised me not even 2 weeks prior to the breakup that she wanted to be with me forever and that when I had a feeling she was gong to breakup with me...she assured me she wasn't...how can I already be replaced and erased in such a short period of time.

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i have something to share.lol my girlfriend broke up with me 3 weeks ago.she said she wanted space and stuff and didnt want to be in a relastionship with anyone and stuff.so i in the same boat.the thought of her bein with someone else or hookin up with someone else makes me want to die. she said maybe we be back by now but she like hasnt even thought about it instead she goes and hangs out with other guys and stuff.we were goin out for year and 8 months and i love her so much. i thought that maybe i just thought i did cuz we bein goin out for so long. but now that id ont ahve her it just made me realise how much i do love her! and i have never been this much inlove with then the whole time we goin out. i want her back so badly and im goin crazy too. i still call her and talk to her and stuff. but im dumb in a way cuz im not really given her space. well besides phone space,lol. but she wants to hang out with me tomomorow and stuff so i dont know what to think. like she says she still loves me and stuff but she just doesnt want to be with someone right now. and shes the only one i want to be with lol. i feel like im 34 or something and only want to be with her.but i 16! damnit. i even tried the whole show up at the door with flower thing but that was like 3 days after we broke up. so i doin i there for u buddy(Y)

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All I can say blueyed is wow! and I can't believe it but it is true. I asked the question but after you made it clear there was no need to.


Because even though I am finally letting go of my ex and seethinjg because he dated someone so quickly right after we broke up since early november last year, I can't help wondering why he dated so quickly and if he does not care and mistreats me like dirt why still call m e when you are currently dating this person and to you I am the scum of the earth?


But even if they are dating that other person, are they happy for real -or can you honestly tell they are lying to you when they fake it- - or how long rebound relationships last?- and or are they still really able to concentrate on their current relationship or are they still thinking about you somehow? Weird thoughts of analysis plague my mind.




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