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Would you work somewhere where you're the only man or woman?

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...or even one of two/three men or women.


I've enjoyed all my jobs except for two of them, and I feel it's for the same exact reason: Both places were dominated by the opposite sex, and for some reason, it made me feel out of place.


At one company where there were 25 employees in total, I think I was one of two guys, but I never saw the other guy.


At the other company, I was one of 3 guys in a department that had about 40-50 employees. Again, I never saw the other guys.


Don't get me wrong: I like being in the company of women. Many are nice and cute as well.


But I also like being able to have conversations with guys here and there. I like being able to go to lunch and talk about sports, girlfriends, cars and the like. Being around women all the time hinders the ability to do that. Girls, in turn, talk about hair, nails, shopping and other topics to which I pay the least bit attention.


I'm in marketing, which I know is a very female-dominated field. What's more, both of those jobs were in female-dominated industries -- healthcare and children/arts education.


I guess things might be different if I were to work in the marketing department at, say, a computer electronics company or architecture firm.


I have loved all the jobs I've had where my supervisors have been men. I guess I somehow click better in the workplace with people of my same sex.


I've made good female friends as well, but those relationships have been a bit more superficial.


Has anyone else experienced this? Would you rather have a fair mix of men and women where you work?

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I don't mind working where there are more men, as I get on a lot better with men, lol. I once read an article about women working together and it was pretty scarey - a LOT of competition, being catty, etc etc. My hubby works in a mostly female environment and he says it's true, LOL. I think men are a lot easier to work with, but that's just me, lol.


I think working with an equal balance of male/females is ideal.

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I teach motorsports and motor vehicle - and am based in the engineering and cosntruction faculty. I am surrounded by men, both male collegues and all of my students are male bar one. I actually prefer the company of men as past experiences in school tended to find groups of females to be quite back stabbing and faceless, whereas the lads just tended to tell you staright. However I do enjoy time with my female friends and also on the rare occasion when i do have chance to liase with my female colegues in other departments I really enjoy it.


I dont think really it should matter -as long as you do your job I personally knew what I was getting into - motorsport is heavily dominated by males and i have always stood out - and i really like that!

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I am one of two men in our small company of 19 people. I don't mind it at all, really... other than my office-mate, who is disorganized and eats all the time. I AM always called upon to be "the muscle" and move furniture and heavy boxes, etc. LOL

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I have worked in the auto industry for years. In the service part, meaning garages, grease and mechanics. I am the only woman where I work now. There are 4 other women who work in the dealership, but I might see one or two of them once a day. I dont mind it too much. Whenever I need a "girl fix" I just go up to the accounting part of the dealership and girl talk for a while.

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no. don't want to go through your job search again.


LOL! That made me laugh. Are you sure you don't want another dozen of job search threads? =)


I work in a field that's primarily male. Before hitting a govt job, I was working with companies that had a 50 to 1 (male to female) ratio. It did drive me a bit insane because I couldn't talk to anyone about girl topics. Heck I wasn't even sure how to announce I was pregnant to a bunch of guys (I never did HAHA!).

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