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I had sex with my teacher... again... and someone saw it.


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I'm worried for you too, but on so many different levels it's not even funny...this is just plain scary....


You need to take hold of that sex drive of yours, it's going to do you in, and not in a good way..


He's the adult and should know better, but obviously doesn't, so you need to protect yourself, because if this gets out, your life will not be the same...your sexual practices can and will haunt you if you are not careful...



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I love all the denial advice... there really is no more hope in people... can't even take personal responsibility for mistakes...it's quite pathetic. Regardless of your own moral stance, it is and was a mistake... if it goes away, fine... but lying to save your own butt will eventually catch up to you in one way or another.

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Wow! This sounds like from a dirty sexy story from a guy's magazine I understand that when you're 18 it's hard to resist. BUT.. I agree with others that DENY DENY DENY. Keep your distance from now on. LKet things cool down. And WAIT till graduation You probably don't want tp pursue it by then anyways.

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I love all the denial advice... there really is no more hope in people... can't even take personal responsibility for mistakes...it's quite pathetic. Regardless of your own moral stance, it is and was a mistake... if it goes away, fine... but lying to save your own butt will eventually catch up to you in one way or another.


i agree. basically telling this young girl live life denying your actions if you can get away with it.

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yeah. but if someone asks me about it ("hey, I heard you and T did the deed in the shower room..." ) should I just say "yes, actually we did" ? I mean tahts like digging our own grave. I am taking responsibitliy for my actions, it was fully our own fault but mostly mine cuz i called him back in, but i dont really want everyone knows about it.

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yeah. but if someone asks me about it ("hey, I heard you and T did the deed in the shower room..." ) should I just say "yes, actually we did" ? I mean tahts like digging our own grave. I am taking responsibitliy for my actions, it was fully our own fault but mostly mine cuz i called him back in, but i dont really want everyone knows about it.


Repeat after me, "I do not wish to discuss this." Say nothing unless you are under oath. You may wish to consult a lawyer now rather than later.

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yeah. but if someone asks me about it ("hey, I heard you and T did the deed in the shower room..." ) should I just say "yes, actually we did" ? I mean tahts like digging our own grave. I am taking responsibitliy for my actions, it was fully our own fault but mostly mine cuz i called him back in, but i dont really want everyone knows about it.


That's different, spreading your sex life is your own recourse, and no I don't suggest answering every single person's question that bothers you about... but don't be surprised if it gets out about you two---it will soon be that sort of issue with a barrage of people talking behind your back.


If it goes to any authority figures, that's when I'm talking about not lying.

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i agree. basically telling this young girl live life denying your actions if you can get away with it.


Not to condone the whole 'lying to save your ass' thing, but it's not just her in this. Worst thing that can happen to her is maybe a suspension and getting a lot of bad press. This guy could lose his job and his license. Granted he's an idiot for giving in when he should know what's at stake, but I don't think I'd advise her to admit to it when she's got much less to lose than he has.

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Not to condone the whole 'lying to save your ass' thing, but it's not just her in this. Worst thing that can happen to her is maybe a suspension and getting a lot of bad press. This guy could lose his job and his license. Granted he's an idiot for giving in when he should know what's at stake, but I don't think I'd advise her to admit to it when she's got much less to lose than he has.


She was in a compromising position, he abused his position. Completely unbalanced no matter what her age.

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i would say Deny Deny Deny Deny!! That has saved me from some big situations in my day. Unless it can be proven, its all talk and gossip and leadership im sure understands that there is alot of gossip in highschool. Someone asks you, tell them that youve heard that rumor too and its a big lie! Start a rumor about the other girl to take the heat off of you. lol. j/k. JUST DENY!

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Morally wrong? Lol, how so? it wasn't morally wrong at all! you're a consenting adult; so is he; it's not illegal, and yes, while it is illegal to have sex on the school campus (at least where I lived, it was such a problem that yes, it became illegal lol)



I hate to tell you it is illegal for a student and teacher to engage in sexual activity in the states regardless of whether it's on campus or not... Even if the person is over 18. The guy can and will lose his job if this comes out.

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He should, and I hope it does lose his teaching license over this.


Don't forget that it's us taxpayer's that pay this Bozo's salary.


Why is he a bozo? Everyone is acting like he took advantage of this girl, she is 18 she could have easily said no... (not trying to attack you OP , just don't think it's fair everyone is so quick to point all fingers at this guy).. Yes he shouldn't have been in there but even when he went to leave she called him back in there, she is an adult. It isn't like he forced himself on her.

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Not to condone the whole 'lying to save your ass' thing, but it's not just her in this. Worst thing that can happen to her is maybe a suspension and getting a lot of bad press. This guy could lose his job and his license. Granted he's an idiot for giving in when he should know what's at stake, but I don't think I'd advise her to admit to it when she's got much less to lose than he has.


it was abuse of power by a government representative. we should let them all go huh? yeah.

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I have to disagree about them being equal - though 18 is an adult, I do think being inexperienced makes you pretty vulnerable and can lead to many mistakes! How many of us have done stupid things while that young? The teacher on the other hand is older and should know better. But I guess 50% of men for sure dream about doing it with a schoolgirl, cheerleader Those men go to xxx sites, this one is living his dreams! What happened, happened. Deny, stay away, stay low and learn from your mistakes. You'll undestand soon enough that he's not worth it.

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If this girl is known to be a huge gossip she probably spreads as many untrue rumours as she does true. And hopefully people know that and write this off [ should she ever tell ] as a lie.

What's been happening really isn't good but I would have to agree and say deny it if anyone asks. I hate to say so but I would probably do the same thing in such a circumstance. This is a bad situation but use this as an excuse to stop doing what you're doing now before it really gets out of hand.

If it's got nothing to do with love, trust me, you can find a million other men more than willing to give you a screwing with no emotional strings attached.

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You can't stop people from knowing about this so all you can do now is wait for the outcome. And I"m sorry, but the whole "we couldn't think straight because we were so horny" is a pathetic excuse. You are a human being, right? That has a brain and can differentiate logic from emotion? You know you can. The fact is, you WANTED it, the fact that it is wrong STILL excites you, and boom. You got caught.


And frankly I'm pretty disappointed with folks who are flat-out saying "lie!" by denying anything happened. But whatever... guess that is just the decaying morals (and I'm not talking religious) of our society...

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If this girl is known to be a huge gossip she probably spreads as many untrue rumours as she does true. And hopefully people know that and write this off [ should she ever tell ] as a lie.

What's been happening really isn't good but I would have to agree and say deny it if anyone asks. I hate to say so but I would probably do the same thing in such a circumstance. This is a bad situation but use this as an excuse to stop doing what you're doing now before it really gets out of hand.

If it's got nothing to do with love, trust me, you can find a million other men more than willing to give you a screwing with no emotional strings attached.


i already got the email about it.



jk OP.

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I have to disagree about them being equal - though 18 is an adult, I do think being inexperienced makes you pretty vulnerable and can lead to many mistakes! How many of us have done stupid things while that young? The teacher on the other hand is older and should know better. But I guess 50% of men for sure dream about doing it with a schoolgirl, cheerleader Those men go to xxx sites, this one is living his dreams! What happened, happened. Deny, stay away, stay low and learn from your mistakes. You'll undestand soon enough that he's not worth it.


At some point you have to stand up and accept the consequences of your actions and you can't always use the "oh i'm only 18 I don't know any better" excuse and blame the other party. Besides, how old is this teacher? he could easily be only a couple of years older than her. When I was in high school, most of my teachers were only 4 -5 years older than I was.



But I guess 50% of men for sure dream about doing it with a schoolgirl, cheerleader Those men go to xxx sites, this one is living his dreams!


You say 50% of men dream about the schoolgirl and cheerleader, same could be said for young females who dream of doing their teachers. They aren't innocent here.

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