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I had sex with my teacher... again... and someone saw it.


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god, really I could kick myself. But let me explain. Its orchestra week in our school, so the whole school orchestra is STAYING in school until Sunday, sleeping there, and we practise the whole day (cuz next week we gonna have lots of perfomances on stage in many towns) ofc with lots of breaks and dinner and lunch, breakfast, showers, time for internet, parties etc. all of that. Its a like village school, so no problem about space. The only problem is that one of the teachers who are with us, is the one I had a thing with (I will call him T). some time ago. (Im sure many of you read about it) It ended, but agh, we just cant stop the sparks and sexual tension...


It started pretty harmless.

In the morning, before practise T and I ran accross eachother near the forest and after some awkwardness we decide to sit down in a bench and we talked for maybe an hr. Just about how everything was going, told a little about eachothers private life. He was telling me about his ex-wife, that he hasnt heard much of her since the divorce (she moved away), and that after the initial shock, he feels very relieved that hes no longer with her, and that the divorce was the right decision since they simply didnt match. For some STUPID reason I slipped "shes missing out" and I instantly felt emberassed after it and he noticed..I didnt mean to say it. but overall it was a very good conversation and definitely there was something there between us...





well tonight after practise, when everyone else was in the party in another building, finally the shower was free and i get in the shower room (its a stupid room that u cannot lock) and start to undress myself and suddenly T pops in (Im SURE it was on purpose... I know he was around me about 10 min before i got into the shower) and I stand there in only a panty and we look at eachother shocked (he must be a good actor cuz he rly did seem surprised I was in there, but still im convinced he knew i was there..) and I hide my boobs with my hands and yell at him to "get the hell out of here".. so he goes out but instantly regret it and I knew he was still in front of the door cuz I couldnt hear any footsteps. I open the door a lil and when he noticed, i guess he got little emberassed that he was still there and started moving, walking away slowly. then I say "hey" and he looks back at me and first stands there, not knowing what to do/say, but as always it seems that our eyes are saying more than our words and he comes at me, and we move inside the room again, and.. make out, i mean really crazy passionate make out and argh.. then it happened. It was so amazing though, I dont regret it at all, I only regret that we was caught.



It was so stupid of us,not to consider the room was not able be locked, but we were such in the heat of the moment, so erotic, so passionate and ah, it was just the most amazing sex i had with him, and anyone else.


I dont think this person came in just like that...I think she heard us. Its a girl that I dont know too well, but from what I heard about her shes not that good of person, is mean, and likes to gossip. She came in, and saw us, and stood there looking for a moment (it was SO emberassing!) and then walked out again. T and I stopped shortly after it..


This is a girl from the orchestra, its gonna be so emberasssing to walk into her tonight, and tomorrow, and the next days. ARGH, what the helll should I do? what if this comes out.. Im so scared.



Pls dont preach to me about the sex with him. I know it is morally wrong, and we both broke the rules, but I dont regret it at all. Im only could just slap myself cuz we were so stupid, doing it in a place where anybody can come in. I dont mind you tell me how stupid that was. Usually, we always did it in places where we knew nobody would come in, and we would lock the door.. but this time i guess we were just too horny to think about it.




ah, i dont even know what type of advice im looking to get. I dont know this girl. should I talk to her... or anything..what can I do?

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I would talk to T first.


If I were in your shoes or his, I'd deny without hesitation. Why acknowledge anything about your personal life that you don't need to.


Let them gossip or spread rumors if they want. You can't control that.


Keep a cool head and don't vary your story.

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18 or not, teacher and student relations aren't supposed to happen i don't think. not sure if it's by law or not, but it's definitely something frowned upon i'm sure.


He can and probably would lose his job and full career over it. Even if she's over 18.

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yeah, it is illegal. any student/teacher relationship is. I know that. I really do...


and haha no Im verrrry sure she didnt take a pic, she didnt have time for that...she was only there for maybe 5 seconds. I know she saw our faces, but i would have noticed if she had pointed a camera to us


Im kind of worried. if it gets out, theres gonna be BAD consequences. yeah I know, its our fault, but arrrgh. Still only the rumor of us having sex is gonna spread lots of bad air..

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I would talk to T first.


If I were in your shoes or his, I'd deny without hesitation. Why acknowledge anything about your personal life that you don't need to.


Let them gossip or spread rumors if they want. You can't control that.


Keep a cool head and don't vary your story.


They might want to deny because he is basically throwing his career down the drain for sex.

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I won't lecture you on how incredably wrong this is. Others will do that for me.


I wouldn't talk to this girl. It will only fuel the fire. Chances are she's already let the cat out of the bag anyway, especially if you think she's a gossip.


Just hope and pray that the rumers don't spread to the authorities and get you both in some real trouble.


Are you over 18? If you're a senior and then I'm assuming you're just weeks away from graduation. Just cool it until then.


"We were just so horny" is no excuse. Get control of yourself. I'd say to find any other boyfriend (preferably someone your own age that wont' take such gross advantage of you) but I have a feeling it will fall on deaf ears.

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regardless if your of age or not, he may have just lost his job to this. Im not gonna dog you cause ive done some thngs with co workers where im not supposed to because of the manager co worker rule but you learn your lesson and dont let it happen again.


I would talk to T and see if its wise to talk to this girl but if it were me, i would confront her casually and expect to kiss some butt!

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Well I won't say TOLD YOU SO... until she starts blabbing her juciy gossip, until you're dubbed the school wh**e, and your teacher loses his job (worst case scenario). But I will say... I KNEW IT!


Someone was bound to find out and that was exactly what happened. So what should you do? Not much you can except continue to *not regret* doing it with your teacher and get on your knees and pray to the dear, dear Lord she keeps her big mouth shut. But know this: she's a gossiper... and she owes you nothing. So really, you've got nothing on her, and I will be very, very surprised if she keeps this to herself. Given it could take her months to even peep it to her bestfriend; but it likely will make it's way around school. Inevitably you're screwed... and he's screwed more.


So I'll hold off on the I TOLD YOU SO... until a little later... but for now I'll leave you with I KNEW IT!


Sorry kid, I felt for ya after you said you stopped it but now... all bets are off. You thought with your vag-gi-gi... when I told you not to. Here's to *wishful thinking*

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They might want to deny because he is basically throwing his career down the drain for sex.


Right, he stands to lose more. Deny, deny, deny and he might as well have an attorney ready if it looks like anything could come of it. Luckily, age of consent is no issue.

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yeah, it is illegal. any student/teacher relationship is. I know that. I really do...


and haha no Im verrrry sure she didnt take a pic, she didnt have time for that...she was only there for maybe 5 seconds. I know she saw our faces, but i would have noticed if she had pointed a camera to us


Im kind of worried. if it gets out, theres gonna be BAD consequences. yeah I know, its our fault, but arrrgh. Still only the rumor of us having sex is gonna spread lots of bad air..


This is why people need to make better decisions. I don't want to beat you into the ground with this, but being overly horny is no reason to risk his career or your reputation.

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Pls dont preach to me about the sex with him. I know it is morally wrong...


Morally wrong? Lol, how so? it wasn't morally wrong at all! you're a consenting adult; so is he; it's not illegal, and yes, while it is illegal to have sex on the school campus (at least where I lived, it was such a problem that yes, it became illegal lol) I think, it certainly was NOT immoral. You enjoyed yourself! you had the best sex of your life! certainly, you shouldn't feel guilty.


Hell, don't even feel embarrassed. it's not like you're going to remember that girl forever, and, considering your 18 (I hope, lol) and in High school (again, I hope), you'll be graduating this year (I hope) and won't have to see any of them again!


so really, remember, it's pretty much just a sexual relationship from the looks of it, but have no regrets. Life is too short to hold regrets.

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