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Hi everybody,



i just wanted to update everybody on how i am doing. Its been six months since my ex dumped me. I am finally starting to get stronger now. I still have my moments and my days where I miss her and I am sad and I just want her back but then it passes and I regain my strength and continue on in my life. I really believe that one day she will realize what she has missed out on but by then its going to be too late. I will have found a woman who loves me and cheerishs me.


To everybody who has a broken heart, keep your head up. Keep going, minute by minute, day by day. Just take one minute at a time. We are all here for you so please take some consolence in that.

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To everybody who has a broken heart, keep your head up. Keep going, minute by minute, day by day. Just take one minute at a time. We are all here for you so please take some consolence in that.


Couldn't agree more. A few weeks ago I was really down in the dumps, still clinging on to hope. However today I got news through a third party that my ex was dating someone else. At first it was a bit of a shock, but within half an hour, I started to become quite happy. Here was a huge weight off my shoulders, comfirming that I was definitely single.


I was honestly happy knowing the fact that I could get on with my life without worrying, doing things that I wouldn't of done, and just enjoying myself.


Who knows, it may work out, however at this present time it is the time to move on. I am fully commited to NC, deleted her number from my phone, and just preparing for a fresh start.


Don't get me wrong, I do know how painfull a break up can be; no sleep, not feeling like eating etc but for all those dumpees (like myself), take the time to enjoy yourself. You only have one shot at life....make the most of it.

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I am glad you are getting stronger and feeling good. Today is 6 months to the day of my break up and this was a perfect post to read. Thanks for sharing.


Hi everybody,



i just wanted to update everybody on how i am doing. Its been six months since my ex dumped me. I am finally starting to get stronger now. I still have my moments and my days where I miss her and I am sad and I just want her back but then it passes and I regain my strength and continue on in my life. I really believe that one day she will realize what she has missed out on but by then its going to be too late. I will have found a woman who loves me and cheerishs me.


To everybody who has a broken heart, keep your head up. Keep going, minute by minute, day by day. Just take one minute at a time. We are all here for you so please take some consolence in that.

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thanks becca. how are you doing with things?


I have good days and bad days. I actually broke NC yesterday after like 70 something days. I made it brief, he didn't respond. I think I am healing because it in the past I would have stayed in bed and cried. I still feel sad, but got up and had a good day. Part of my sad feeling today was the realization that this person that I loved so very much...is gone. Part of what l loved about him was what a strong, honest person he was. It was also how good he treated me. In the end, he wasn't any of those things. I deserve better....


Thank you for asking !! Here's to good days ahead !!

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I have good days and bad days. I actually broke NC yesterday after like 70 something days. I made it brief, he didn't respond. I think I am healing because it in the past I would have stayed in bed and cried. I still feel sad, but got up and had a good day. Part of my sad feeling today was the realization that this person that I loved so very much...is gone. Part of what l loved about him was what a strong, honest person he was. It was also how good he treated me. In the end, he wasn't any of those things. I deserve better....


Thank you for asking !! Here's to good days ahead !!


I wish you all the best too! Here is to many good days!

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