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baseball caps change men's appearance?


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Ok, random observation by me, but I consistently have had this thought so I am sharing.


Any mostly clean shaven, basically fit guy, in a baseball cap, sunglasses, and say a clean and tidy t-shirt and jeans magically looks sexy and catches my eye. (or cap, glasses and bathing suit, or cap and workout clothes... you get the point).


Then he takes off the cap and glasses and it's like going from your fantasy guy to "WTH?" I wonder if I'm subconsciously ascribing certain expectations to these guys, who of course then often don't look anything like I am imagining them to look. (unfair, yes, shallow, yes, guilty as charged but I'm not using this as a dating criteria!!!)


Any other women notice the cap (even on its own) somehow changes appearance?

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Yessssssssss!!! You made me blow my cawffeee out through my nose. The magical hat and sunglass phenomenia has many a time caught me off guard. I was in love with my camp counselor ONLY when he had his tinted shades on.


No truer post has ever been produced. lol.

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The man you seem to be describing is frequently seen on the big screen being played by a "dream boat" of a guy that takes off said hat and every woman in the theater stares in awe at him. It seems like you're subconsiously thinking this without purposely wanting it. You should get to the point to see that most guys you meet may not be the most attractive man, but anyone you date is going to have flaws in your eyes. You should give guys you connect with a chance to see if more can come about it, and then you won't have to worry about the hats or sunglasses

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The man you seem to be describing is frequently seen on the big screen being played by a "dream boat" of a guy that takes off said hat and every woman in the theater stares in awe at him. It seems like you're subconsiously thinking this without purposely wanting it. You should get to the point to see that most guys you meet may not be the most attractive man, but anyone you date is going to have flaws in your eyes. You should give guys you connect with a chance to see if more can come about it, and then you won't have to worry about the hats or sunglasses


Funny thing, I've never dated anyone who looked good in a hat or glasses, LOL Mostly admired from afar. I went to school in CA and FL, probably comes from being around some amazing guys for so long.... It's just intended to be humorous anyway.

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It's in how they wear it. I don't like the Miami gangsta look. I'm more surfer girl, myself. I dont' like the backwards cap, or worse yet, the "sideways cant". I also don't like the plastic trucker cap thing.


It's the casual sexy cap and glasses athletic thing I'm talking about, not the trendy SoBe or SouthCentral thing.

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It shows off the profile, I think.... what do you think Portage? The masculine jawline, cheekbones, hint of a shadow...



All sounds doable, urrrrr, sexy at this end. I always think of Bull Durham or (don't laugh) Tom Hanks in League of their Own - I love funny men in baseball hats even if they have no jawline to speak of

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Florida is the place to go if you like guys in hats. In fact I'm wearing one now as I type this and I bet half of my friends are now. Basically EVERY guy in Florida has and wears a Baseball hat


remind me never to go to Florida for a date then!

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I love baseball hats on men. The boyish quality and sporty look is really cute.


Of course not with a suit...and please NEVER EVER take the hat off if you must also remove the sunglasses too.


I love athletic guys, but not ones in baseball caps.. in fact i remember a boyfriend once, who afer we had been dating for a couple of months put on a hat... yuck! he never wore it again.. haha!

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I love athletic guys, but not ones in baseball caps.. in fact i remember a boyfriend once, who afer we had been dating for a couple of months put on a hat... yuck! he never wore it again.. haha!


I don't know if i can converse with a baseball cap hater.


Hats are sexy with jean clad, well proportioned males. LONG LIVE THE BASEBALL CAP

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I don't know if i can converse with a baseball cap hater.


Hats are sexy with jean clad, well proportioned males. LONG LIVE THE BASEBALL CAP



I like to see a guy's hair...even if he is bald... he looks better without a hat than with one.


A guy with a cap just makes me think he's going to start calling me 'buddy' or something...

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Aw man you can't be hating on the backwards hat. Thats the surfer, skimboarder, and skater look. I'm quite confused by your choice based on being a

'surfer girl"


it's one thing to wear the hat backwards when you're doing something and need to have that clear vision, but not walking around all day. Just doesn't look good on most guys for whatever reason, IMO

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I like to see a guy's hair...even if he is bald... he looks better without a hat than with one.


A guy with a cap just makes me think he's going to start calling me 'buddy' or something...


LOL @ "buddy". It definitely takes a certain look and build to pull it off. Some of my coworkers dressed in hats and casual clothes for a team picnic and it kind of looked like the Nerd Herd having Field Day, LOL (and I love most of my coworkers, they are sweethearts)


Caps are fun though, I wear one myself sometimes with a ponytail.

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