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No One Said Life Was Fair


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Ok u guys said u wanted to hear the story, so hear it is, hope u find it interesting, and this is only chapter 1

Chapter 1


For as long as Scott Jackson could remember, life for him had been pretty good. He had

lots of friends. His parents were pretty cool, as far as parents go. His little brother Josh was

actually pretty cool himself. 8th grade was turning out to be pretty easy. It seemed life was going

his way.

Well that is except for Nicole. Nicole Anderson was the girl Scott had liked since he 2nd

grade, when she moved to Grand Rapids from Greenville. He just never could work up the

courage to ever talk to her about more than school. In fact, that's just what we find Scott talking

about Monday morning in study hall.

"I just don't get," Scott said, "Why can't I ever get a chance with her?"

"It's your own fault," Lance Paterson answered, "You never actually try."

Lance was Scott's best friend. They had been friends since the first day of kindergarten.

Actually, Lance and Scott were complete opposites. Scott was the kind of guy who always

wanted to go against "the man", and did sometimes, but rarely did. Lance on the other hand,

always found time for practical jokes and detention. While Scott came from a tight knit family,

Lance was living with his dad, who was a great guy, while his mom was in prison for meth.

"What do you mean I don't try?!" asked Scott, "I talk to her whenever I see her, and I

always help her with her homework!"

"Congratulations, Nerd," Lance laughed, "all you've done is insured that she can come to

you if she ever needs help on a science lab. Come on it's not like she's way more popular than

you, I mean if anything, you guys are on the same popularity level."

Ema Girard listened to all this only half-heartedly. Ema, Scott's other best friend, had

heard the same conversation for years. And if anything, this year it had gotten worse. Always

there was Scott who was complaining that Nicole would never notice him. And then Lance

would always try to get the kid to actually take some action. It was enough to make any girl sick.

And then there was the fact that for as long as she could remember, she had liked Scott. Or at

least since 3rd grade, because that's when they met. She had dated other guys, but she'd always

wanted to be with Scott.

"Scott, just ask her to a movie," Ema said, hoping he would ask her instead, "it's not like

you guys don't know each other."

"I guess you're right," he answered, "but what if she says no?"

"Big deal," Lance said, "just laugh and say 'that's OK, see you at lunch'. That simple."

"I don't know," Scott said, "she's probably got her eye on you."

"What are you talking about?" Lance replied, "I'm going out with Jessica, remember."

"You mean the hot one?" Scott laughed.

"Oh, gawl, you guys, this is all you ever talk about!" Ema cried, "I need to start hanging

out with some girls." She grabbed her stuff and walked out of the school library. She just

couldn't handle Scott talking about Nicole anymore. It wasn't that she hated Nicole. She

actually got along really well with her. But she just didn't want anyone to go out with Scott but

her. Ema thought she was being a little selfish. I mean why should I be mad at Scott for wanting

to go out with Nicole. It's not like I made a move. Ema decided to go eat lunch.

Meanwhile, back in the library, the guys were still talking.

"I just don't think I'll have a chance," Scott said, "I mean, I don't want to ruin the

friendship I do have with her."

"Ya, whatever," Lance said, rolling his eyes, "I'm going to go eat lunch with Jessica.

Maybe you should sit with Nicole?"

"I don't know, I mean who'd sit with Ema?" Scott asked.

"Ema's been acting really weird lately," Lance replied, "maybe she could some alone


"True, I wonder what's up with her?" Scott said.

"Ah, Oh well, we need some food to think about it," Lance answered, "See ya,"

"Ya, tell Jessica I said hi," Scott waved.

"Sure," Lance said and walked out.

I wonder what's up with Ema. Scott thought. She has been acting strangely. Oh, well,

like Lance said, "We need some food." So Scott left for the cafeteria.

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