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bf sharing our sex life to an online female friend


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bf of nearly 3 years shares details of our sex life to a female friend he met online. she does the same to him. they shared pictures of theirselves with their partners, her with her bf, and my bf with me. he did it without asking me.

i understand to post on forum or to share something with long known friends. but to do it privately to a complete stranger online for nearly 2 years?!

i knew he was talking to some girl but i didn't care since he said it was friendly. now they arranged to meet and invited me too. that's when he confessed what they were talking about.


i know he's not a swinger. our sex life is great and he said they're meeting as friends. but she is meeting us alone without her bf! why!? should this feel like cheating? it's not a dating site but still.


i'm uncomfortable to meet her but i will. she knows so much about me. i'm used to finding out my bf shared too private stuf about us to his friends. but is this too much or am i overeacting? should i maybe feel glad he talks about us to other girls, at least he lets them know he's not single. but then why he wrote in his online status he is!?


i'm confused. thanks in advance.

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I would be upset if my boyfriend was sharing details of our sex life to a female friend he met online. My first question would be - how they met in the first place? Secondly - why did he input his online status as single? I think it's rather odd that he is inviting you to meet her, granted yes, he did mention about you to her, bit I would still be a bit disturbed by this. Why isn't her boyfriend meeting up with you guys as well, is he even aware that his girlfriend is meeting someone she met online? You have every right to be bothered by this.

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Tbh, I think I would be flattered to have someone talk about me. Admitedly I think he has gone a bit far with it all. And meeting her, at least its with you. But "just meeting as friends" would make me slightly paranoid. Tell him he has to tell you EVERYTHING he has told her about you, and set limits on what he can and cannot share.

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I don't think you're overreacting whatsoever. What a huuuuuuge violation of your privacy!!! Why would he share photos of you with another girl?! You can never get those back! Oh I would be sooooo angry! And now meeting each other? Sorry but this sounds just super weird. I don't think you should feel glad about this at all - this is beyond talking about you to others in a respectable and proud way. And if he says he's single as his status... well, there are just too many red flags. I think they have other motives here than just meeting up as friends, and now drawing you into it... I'd be very careful. Your bf has a side that you haven't seen before and it is completely disrespectful and inappropriate.

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i know he's not a swinger. Are you sure?


our sex life is great


These are mutually exclusive statements. One doesn't have anything to do with the other...Just because your sex life is great, doesn't necessarily mean he wouldn't like to include another person.

but she is meeting us alone without her bf!


i'm confused. thanks in advance.


I see red flags. If you have ever considered a 3-way, your opportunity might be on its way. If not, I suggest you avoid alcohol, and make your feelings on the matter known, in a polite way of course, to you bf.


If DH pulled something like this, I'd know exactly what was coming next.


Also- does he know you don't like him sharing those kinds of details? IMO, that's a boundary issue. The details of your intimate life, and who is privy to them should be something you are both comfortable with.


Stay alert...might be nothing, but don't get blindsided.

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I just saw your previous posts on threesomes with your boyfriend. Can you boyfriend possibly think that this is his chance to experiment with you? By first introducing you to his friend, (especially one that he's never met before)? I would strongly have a talk with him on this. Definitely sounds like red flags to me.

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I personally think it is inappropriate to share details of your sex life with anybody without your permission... it is none of their business and violates your sense of intimacy.


I wonder how much online flirting has been going on between them. I also wonder if he isn't setting you up for either a threesome with this girl, or else the beginnings of an open relationship.


I would talk to him about this, and make it very clear that you are NOT interested in threesomes or an open relationship, and that if you find him cheating you will leave. He needs to understand what your boundaries are, and once you've defined them, you need to stick to them.


There's a small chance he is just trying to be 'friends' with other people, but setting up flirtatious relationships with other women and talking about your sex life with them is not really appropriate if you want a monogamous relationship.

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I just saw your previous posts on threesomes with your boyfriend. Can you boyfriend possibly think that this is his chance to experiment with you? By first introducing you to his friend, (especially one that he's never met before)? I would strongly have a talk with him on this. Definitely sounds like red flags to me.


AAAHHH...Now I see...


Um, you've invited this into your relationship. You sent him the message that you were open to it, you told him your parameters, and he kept a serious face on the outside, and then went "WOO HOO" on the inside.


Practically guaranteed....


I'll be stunned if she DOESN'T try to kiss you within 4 hours (or 4 drinks, whichever comes first) of meeting you.


And you may not have opened the door, but you gave him GPS directions right to it..


So I think you may want to have a convo with him...

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Oh, that makes it clear. He is trying to set up a threesome.


But what is dangerous here is he has established a personal relationship with this women before suggesting you get together for a threesome. So what happens if he decides he likes her better than you?


Most threesomes work best when the people are not emotionally involved with the third party, or they only do it as couples in a foursome.


You may have shot yourself in the foot here in that he may now feel that you both want an open relationship, where you see whomever you please and sex talk is OK with anyone since you will be inviting them into your relationship.

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about my old post about threesome. that was from the last year! our relationship has been rocky, many ups and downs. i did think about a threesome at some point but we definitely decided not to. there's just too many wrongs with that for us. we're trying to have a serious healthy relationship. an exclusive one too.


so i honestly don't know what to think, feel or do. my trust in him is very shaken. it's almost all open, he's not hiding it from me. but it's weird!


though you made me think he's doing it now for a pay back. to get a revenge for me suggesting a threesome back then, since he wasn't into it. could that be it!?


just to add a detail. he was online with her but when i entered the room and he quickly closed that window on the computer! but then later he showed me that message from her and i was able to read some parts. nothing disturbing, just the two of them arranging the meeting, with some parts that catched my eye, like "i hope you won't fall in love with us." i supose it was a joke. i don't wanna make a big deal out of nothing. small chances but could be "nothing". or i'm just blinding myself?

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quickly closing the window means he wasn't sure if he had said anything he didn't want you to see!! so after proof-reading it alone, making sure the section he'd show you would have nothing 'bad', THEN he lets you read it. idk sounds iffy.


ask him if he's trying to start a threesome?? get it all out in the open?

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