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If you could live your life (up to now) over..


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.. and could change one thing but no more than one thing ... what would you change?


If I could live my life (up to now) over, I would have spent much, much more time talking to my Grandpa.


He was the best person I knew up till the day he died and I wish I'd learned more from him and shared more with him and just.. spent more time with him. We lived in the same household mind you so it wasnt a case of only seeing him once a year! I just wish I'd paid him more attention than I did. I truly regret that.

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Well, when I read the beginning, I was gonna say that I wouldn't change anything, because even our mistakes are learning experiences. But then you said that about your grandpa, and I realize I would have done the same, especially since as his health started to fail, I was five states away. Also, I wouldn't have quit going to the gym, as its SO much harder to get back into the routine as it was to get into it in the first place.

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Great topic, I posted a thread late last night about being disappointed with myself because I knew I had problems and years later, did nothing about it, I feel like i've wasted soo much time in my life already, so if I could go back in time and change one thing, it would have been to stay in school and go off to college or Uni.

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I would do high school over again, not let people get to me and focus on the studying part. I graduated, but not with good enough grades to get a scholarship and now I can't afford college. So, yeah, that kinda sucks. lol

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I would have taken better care of my body to begin with. I don't regret any of my relationships/academic successes or defeats/ etc., but I've been through hell with my body and I just wish I ate healthy and worked out from the start of my life.

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I would have never married Charles. I would have gone home with my dad that day he said I could return home, then who knows where I would have been now. I truly regret that day, moving out of my dorm my dad said you know you can come home. I said no although my whole self wanted to say yes. If I could change that moment my entire life would be different.

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^ Wow. That sounds like it was a very pivotal moment for you!


Me, I would have taken care of my emotional self earlier, gotten counseling, tried to heal. Instead, I felt so alone with my open wounds for so many years. I buried myself in my pursuits instead of getting help. I lost the opportunity to become whole earlier. I missed out on getting out there with people, with myself. To some extent, I still have lingering problems in that area, but with the help of God, I'm getting there.

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In grade 11 I was offered a chance to take some college-level writing courses. I wish I had. I will always regret that one. I will also always regret not taking my Math 11 final exam. I gave up on myself, and I probably could have passed the course.

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^ Wow. That sounds like it was a very pivotal moment for you!


Me, I would have taken care of my emotional self earlier, gotten counseling, tried to heal. Instead, I felt so alone with my open wounds for so many years. I buried myself in my pursuits instead of getting help. I lost the opportunity to become whole earlier. I missed out on getting out there with people, with myself. To some extent, I still have lingering problems in that area, but with the help of God, I'm getting there.


Yeah, I did the same. Except I burried myself in drugs and alcohol. But in AA I have learned so much more about myself than I ever could have on my own, so I can't really say I regret it or would change it if I could.

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There is a heck of a lot of things that I would want to change. There are so many things that have gone wrong in my life. I would have to say that I would do what ever I could to prevent my grandpa from passing away. We were very close and while he was living I was living on cloud 9. My whole life was perfect; as well as, my parents had their finances in order. If he didn't die things would be so different.

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