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Is flirting cheating??? What do you think??


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Before I caught him my boyfriend was adding girls to his myspace and then trying to talk to them all of the time. He talked regularly with a few and was very flirtatious. He even regularly spoke to one on the phone and through texts telling her she is so amazing and being flirty. I think he may have sent a picture of himself to her. Anyway, is this considered cheating? I figure people will disagree about it, I just want to see what the majority vote is. Also, do people with this type of flirty nature change? Any personal experiences? Especially if you have/had a flirty nature.

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That crosses the line of flirting. It's one thing if he's out and just casually flirts with a girl. It's another to seek them out and purposefully start regular communication like that. He may not have physically cheated yet, but I bet that's how it starts.

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That's not flirting. That's just inappropriate. I know some guys that flirt with me sometimes and they have girlfriends but it's never to this extent. It's always just being silly and goofing off. But this is something extra. If he wants to keep you, he should have better judgment than this.

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^well put. my dad was a huge flirt. still is. people don't change. my mom believed his good qualities was worth sticking around for, even when he took on other women and had other babies etc. they're still happily married, in some odd sort of way. it really depends on what you'd be willing to put up with.


I won't stand for flirting, especially actively seeking another out and sending pics/flirty messages! although, I may be guilty of having my dad's genes/personality. ): thankfully my sex drive is too low for me to seriously cheat or anything like that!


but yeah, if it doesn't sit well with you, he should either respect you enough to stop, or get kicked to the curb.

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When I confronted him about it he cried and said he was so sorry and that he would never do it again... But, since then I haven't been able to be nice to him because I don't trust him now. And even though he swears he will behave himself now, I don't know if people like this are able to change. He says that at the time he "expected something more from our relationship but that he was just being really stupid". I don't even know what that means. Nothing was wrong with our relationship. He is the type of guy that is always checking out other girls and commenting on their physical appearance. He's very superficial in that way.

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I actually did ask him right when he said it and he told me that he was "just being stupid" and he "has no right to expect anything" from me and that "I do so much" for him. And I do. I've had to financially support him for the past eight months and take care of him due to his health. His last girlfriend broke up with him because he was in such bad health and I met him a year ago and felt bad for him so I picked up the slack. I thought he was such a kind and loving person, and he is, but then there is this almost * * * * ty side to him. I'm thinking maybe he just said he expected more as an excuse or something. I'm wondering if he isn't just promiscuous and too into sex, or the idea of it... I really don't know.

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Good advice. I just have to think of a way to bring it up without making him get defensive about it. I don't think he will be honest otherwise. But thank you for the help in the matter!

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Maybe something like "I know you said it was stupid, but I want to make sure that we are both happy in this relationship. Even if the specific thought was unrealistic, maybe if we talked about it we could figure out the root of what made it get to that point so we can try to make sure it won't happen again"

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I agree with the others. You have to set good (ie. reasonably high) relationship standards for youself (that you will not allow your partners to break) early on in the game. That's how you meet a good guy. You refuse to let the crap ones waste your time..

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  • 1 month later...

Not all flirting is a form of cheating. Some persons who flirts to other guys or girls are just merely a friendly thing. BUT, if you partner is already doing some nasty things to some other girls, then it must be cheating. To know if your partner is cheating on you, try link removed, there are some tips on how to handle it. Look for this title "How will I know if my partner's cheating on me?".


Keep safe!

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