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ex and sex

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What do guy think/make of an ex of mine who after 6 years is still wishing he had one more sexual time with me?


he says it is mostly about sex but nowhere near all of it. It is also about other stuff.


why would a guy who is supposedly in a happy relationship STILL wish he could have sex with me? He also says that he isnt sure if it would be able to be just about sex as he is still soft on me.


what the hell? i do not get it at all.


what is this about?


even if i wished i had of had one last time with a ex i really think that iw ould have got over it by least a yr, let alone 6!!!!! dont u think?


what is it about guys and sex or is this not even about that or what. i dunno. what do u guys think?


he wanted this even just after we broke up but i said no and its now been 6 yrs n still wants it.

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Oh yea, im not wondering what to do, there is NO way in hell I would. Im not even in the SLIGHTEST tempted. I was just wodering what the hell is it with guys and this kinda thing. Is it just about sex and if so are guys really that warped when it comes to sex? Is sex that imporant to guys or what? what is it exactly?

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Its biology. He does not want the challenge of going out and talking to another girl and risking rejection. So in his mind you may not be a challenge to him. Its familiar. Make him work for it, and by that I mean make him go find someone else.

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I have known he has been with his current gf for yrs. My ex and I have always kept in touch to some degree over the yrs. He tells me he is happy in general. So i knew about gf and him being happy and he has then still gone on about sex with me n stuf over the yrs.

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So he may still fantasize about the act. Verbalizing it is another thing though, and a man who's "happy" does not stray most times, no matter how long. So to say he is happy with her but wants to sleep with you is contradictory. I stand by my opinion when I say I believe hes just returning to whats familiar aka missing you.

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So he may still fantasize about the act. Verbalizing it is another thing though, and a man who's "happy" does not stray most times, no matter how long. So to say he is happy with her but wants to sleep with you is contradictory. I stand by my opinion when I say I believe hes just returning to whats familiar aka missing you.



I agree ! It's good that she isn't tempted and told him "no" before. But, as you said if he was happy he wouldn't be trying to get together with the OP again. It's you want to be with the person your with or you don't.](*,)

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He kind broke up with me. Its a very long story i dont feel up to writing about right now but in short it was all about timing. so its like it has always been open ended to both of us and that side of things I get. But to be asking me for stuff like this, and especially when he has a gf he has had for yrs is another matter.


He has done it ever since we broke up too here n there over the yrs he has brought it up. quite few yrs now.


i got to point where i was like what the hell is this about? its been yrs!!! haha.


I agree it is kinda disrespectful, im not an easy lay, n he knows this. He explains it to me that we didnt have an ending. I think that he misses me, knows it wouldnt work wih me but maybe isnt happy in current rship so hasnt moved on. but i dunno. just a guess.


thanks for all your inputs. Your all sayin what my instincts are saying also.


its def weird though thats for sure.

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