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High School is the worst time to start dating


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Really, it is...


From my perspective (as a male) I feel as though most girls my age just don't know what they want. They don't seem mature enough to be in any sort of romantic relationship (of course I'm not categorizing all high school girls as this, but definitely a vast majority of them.) Because of this, I myself don't feel ready enough for a relationship, and I question if I ever will be. I've only been attracted to one girl this school-year; she was shy, and since I am too, connecting was difficult. At my age...this all seems so complex. I find it hard to picture myself in a relationship, and the reason for that is because I just wouldn't know how to handle it. Approaching girls is just something I find difficult. Meh...most seem too obsessed with the bad-boy image anyway, so that just gives me the impression that they're immature brats. Bah...

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I think it can be a common feeling, though. I don't think anyone that i know felt ready to be in a serious/mature relationship in high school. They may have tried, but at those ages i think i think it's pretty difficult. You're still growing and getting to know yourself, and there's not rush at all. I would agree with your title, this isn't the best time, in my opinion. I think it's best for people to wait until they know themselves a lot better.

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Yea, high school is for masterbating. Trust me. I look back at the girls I had crushes and thought Id be the bees knees of a boyfriend. Yea right. Ten years later I'm glad I was not dating in High School, and also that I am not in a relationship with one of those girls.


All those cuties now, will in ten years not be so fly. Unless they take care of themselves. Take care of you man, your gonna change a lot over the years and be ready for her.

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Date now so you have at least some idea of what to do by the time you get to my age. I never dated in high school, which made it harder to date in college, which makes it harder to date now. End result? I've never been on a date.


Don't be like me. It sucks, because I know how deep a hole I've dug for myself, and now I'm struggling to find a way out. I'm smart, I'm reasonably good looking, I know how to have fun, I'm confident - yet the complete lack of experience makes it extremely difficult to get anywhere with anyone.


So. Yeah. Date now, but don't take it too seriously.

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Date now so you have at least some idea of what to do by the time you get to my age. I never dated in high school, which made it harder to date in college, which makes it harder to date now. End result? I've never been on a date.


So. Yeah. Date now, but don't take it too seriously.


Definite +1 agree here.


Same situation ofcourse, never been on a date like a few others here. High school maybe not seriously indeed, but college definitely need to. It's important to get those first dating experiences, have a chance to expose/work over any bits like shyness, bit of confidence with success, and anything else.


At the least in high school keep your social networks up.


Better a few young/immature(?) failed dates than never having a date at all!

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i think it's okay to date.

but not to take relationships seriously.

only once in a blue moon do highschool relationships last.


Exactly. It is a great time to start experiencing. The reality is we have bursting hormones which permeate during that high school time frame. They call it "high" school for a reason. To hold back in all fashion is not really healthy. I am probably a damn good example of that unhealthiness as I went to private school where dating was quite un-prevalent. College is a much better time to get a bit more serious about long term relation and potential love. For me, college was at least a great place to start even though I had minimal prior experience. It is ultimately your attitude that will tell you when the right time is.

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I'd much rather a mature relationship at my age. Or just sex, but the latter probably won't happen anytime soon. By mature relationship, of course, I mean having a girlfriend who isn't one of those who wants a rebellious, moronic boyfriend. I don't see that in most teenage girls.

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Yea, high school is for masterbating. Trust me. I look back at the girls I had crushes and thought Id be the bees knees of a boyfriend. Yea right. Ten years later I'm glad I was not dating in High School, and also that I am not in a relationship with one of those girls.


All those cuties now, will in ten years not be so fly. Unless they take care of themselves. Take care of you man, your gonna change a lot over the years and be ready for her.


I agree with you 100%. high school is for masterbating. Its alot more fun dating women that know who they are and what they want.

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this is just my opinion, but casually dating someone or going on dates during high school is way better than going into college knowing you have no experience whatsoever. for me it felt like i had to catch up alot to find dates.


dating in high school is fine, but don't expect anything too serious. there were only a few girls from my graduating class who actually got engaged to their boyfriend from high school.

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this is just my opinion, but casually dating someone or going on dates during high school is way better than going into college knowing you have no experience whatsoever. for me it felt like i had to catch up alot to find dates.


dating in high school is fine, but don't expect anything too serious. there were only a few girls from my graduating class who actually got engaged to their boyfriend from high school.


EXACTLY ... get your experience in high school. i learned a lot that i could apply to current relationships. dating in college is a step up but don't expect maturity there either ... heh.

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EXACTLY ... get your experience in high school. i learned a lot that i could apply to current relationships. dating in college is a step up but don't expect maturity there either ... heh.



I have to agree.


It's probably good to get experience in before you have anything serious.


And if you don't get the experience in, your probably gonna have difficulty later on.

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Well, a few days ago I heard this random girl in one of my classes comment about this newly formed relationship to one of her friends in which she said "I can't see him in any relationship because he is so quiet" then went on and said how the female he is with is talkative. So what? Then this dumb girl the next day who sits right next to me made some ridiculous comment about how "bad boys" are cute, and did this stupid, squeaky little laugh. Argh...whether she was kidding or not it boiled my blood. I'm a teenager....who hates other teenagers, or a vast majority of them which are clueless * * * * s. I can't wait to get away from these people...they need to be disciplined better or something.

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Mguy92, I was just like you in high school. I felt like everyone was so immature and I really didn't want a relationship. I guess it became widely known after I rejected a girl or two, so then no other girl would even try.


Then I got a girlfriend, and it was super serious, lasting two years, and now it's over. I'm in college now, and I have to say, I'm glad I have some experience. It may have only been that one relationship, but I feel that I learned a lot about what I want, and how to deal with girls.

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I disagree. I wish I had dated a little. It would have make things a whole lot easier later. I didn't live away from home after high school so I didn't have the chance to date in college either when I could have made up for lost time. If you are looking at it like finding someone for the rest of your life, then don't do that. Just start by finding some girls that like you and want to make out.


It is easier in many ways than when you are older because most girls are single and you usually know who isn't. It seemed easier to read girls when I was younger. There were several girls that liked me in high school but I was too stupid to make a move. And they were girls I would hang around with and talk on the phone with. All I had to do was move in for a kiss and take it from there. They were waiting for that, but I didn't know that I should do that...so dumb. ](*,) I've regretted that ever since.


The hard part is if you don't have a car or a place to go to be alone. The easy part is you don't have to worry about planning a date or anything. Girls will just hang out with you and do nothing if they like you.


After you are older and have a job and your own place, then the problem is you have less free time to date and meet people.





Well, a few days ago I heard this random girl in one of my classes comment about this newly formed relationship to one of her friends in which she said "I can't see him in any relationship because he is so quiet" then went on and said how the female he is with is talkative. So what? Then this dumb girl the next day who sits right next to me made some ridiculous comment about how "bad boys" are cute, and did this stupid, squeaky little laugh. Argh...whether she was kidding or not it boiled my blood. I'm a teenager....who hates other teenagers, or a vast majority of them which are clueless * * * * s. I can't wait to get away from these people...they need to be disciplined better or something.

Don't worry about those little comments. I've always done that and it's not helpful. You hear these comments and get discouraged and down on yourself and others. Try not to focus on the negative comments that girls make about others.

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I disagree. We need experience. Dating, even casually, teaches you a LOT about yourself, other people, the kind relationship you want, lots of things!

I have been in a serious relationship for four years now - and I think about my mother and the baby boomer age, they were settling down and having kids at 18, 19, 20.. It was the norm.

Now it's a bit later, I believe the norm is mid 20's to mid 30's now, but the 21st century is A LOT more complicated than those previous!

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Mguy92, I was just like you in high school. I felt like everyone was so immature and I really didn't want a relationship. I guess it became widely known after I rejected a girl or two, so then no other girl would even try.


This was exactly my experience too. It all seemed so bogus. The first girl I turned down was one of the hottest girls in school, so word kind of got around. She has a very childish attitude towards me though, one minute * * * * * y the next somewhat affectionate, and everything in-between. The second was a girl who was extremely forward, but a really nice girl. She was probably the most over emotional girl in school though, which is saying something considering the wild emotions of high school girls -- best avoided I thought.


After that I would either get girls getting their friends to ask me out (seriously, this is stupid, why bother?) or their friends suggesting that a girl would be interested if I were to ask them out (again, * * * ?). I thought it was fairly obvious that they were afraid of rejection. Once when this happened I said I would appreciate it if she were to ask me herself. She did and I turned her down anyway -- I felt like a bit of an a-hole that time though.


In hindsight it was probably a series of bad decisions for me, because my college experience (for reasons I wont go into) wasn't particularly social and so didn't facilitate any opportunities. Now I'm in the boat of inexperienced 22 year old who finds it very difficult. It's annoying to realise that it's essentially my own fault. Most high school relationships are stupid, I still believe that, but now I realise they are a valuable part of adolescence.


If you're lucky enough to have girls interested in you during high school, don't take the "I'm too mature" high ground -- you aren't anyway, and you'll realise that eventually. If you're in the same boat as everyone else and have to peruse girls during high school, you should do this while you are in that inexperienced, experimental, situation with everyone else. Even if you go through high school without a girlfriend, the experience of asking girls out is invaluable.

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