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Your opinion on 'the one' please


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Hi. I was just wondering if you think its best to have like several relationships with people, and go through all the breakups and stuff, or just wait your whole life for that special person to ocme along, who is perfect for you. So basically, is it worth going through several relationships, if you know these person arn't going to be 'the one'?

I hope i get what im trying to say accross, its kind of late and im in a thinking mood . Thanx

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Santa, I can understand your question perfectly. Personally, I think that going through relationships even if you think they may not be 'the one' that is perfect is the way to go. While in a relationship, you gain knowledge and information about experiences and situations you would not know about otherwise. Basically, the only way to know if that person is the one, is to go through a relationship. You will never know unless you try, aren't I right? Best of luck, everything will work out. Keep me posted.



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hey santa,...whateva happened to that mercedes i asked for a coupla years back? haha....joking...


well, i honestly think that we must experience relationships in order to find "the one" because unless we know what we dont want or need in a relationship,...we wont be able to discipher the difference when we have someone treating us in a pattern of behaviours as we experienced in past relationships, which we did not like. We must break away from those patterns. Some ppl say that we can tell when we find "the one", but i find that hard to believe as ppl can possess such magnificant qualities to attract us, the magnatism and chemistry may even exist, yet something may just NOT click right, and we wind up broken hearted or hurt painfully bad somehow. Sometimes, with thoughts of wandering what went wrong...when everything felt so right...


The best solution in my views, is to just take it one day at a time, and very slowly. We shoud never push ourselves onto another (regardless of others sayin to let ur feelings be known) especially if they show little or no interest. I believe in 2 ppl growing together in love, versus faling in love, that sounds painful...and the "fall" if very much just that. Dont deny urself the pleasures of meeting new and interesting ppl, however at the same time...just keep ur eyes and heart open for something spectacular. Personally, i think it will come as we least expect it, no falsifications of our feelings,..but a mutual, confident, growing love that will last an eternity if we nourish it and both put our all into it, with no outside influences that can cause a terible affect on a future of happiness together...



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Hmm..nice question Santa.


For me, I believe in going through a variety of relationships before ever settling down with that special someone. Why? Because it opens up our eyes to the downsides of BGR, the pitfalls we'd know better to avoid when we are older and wiser.


I have been through 2 serious relationships before settling down... and I still made the wrong choice! Life is all about living and learning. I still am.


That's my 2 cents dude.

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