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Why am I not attracted to guys my own age?!

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I just turned 18 in march and I've realized that I'm not really attracted to guys my own age. I recently got out of a year and half relationship and he was 22. Lately I've been talking to this really cool guy at work and I just found out that he's two months shy of being 25! It just seems like I have a better connection with slightly older guys since most 18 year olds are still pretty immauture... Idk that's the only thing I can thing as to why I'd like them more


Is this weird? I know things would probably be a lot easier if I just tried to find some closer in age but I'm not really attracted to them.


Thoughts? Any one else feel the same way?

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I see it quite often for a younger girl to date an older guy.


I'm more attracted to older women than the ones in my age group like i'm 22 and I really like the 26, 27 and 28 year olds. I don't know what it is about them but they are hot.

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I'm the same way--I have more of a connection with older people.


Not only when it comes to men, but also when it comes to something as simple as trying to start up a friendship (whether it be male or female).


I'm 20, but I get along with people more in the 24-28 range.

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Friends can kinda go either way for me, I have quite a few friends my age but that's only because we all go to school together; therefore, I have no choice but to be around people my age. But when it comes to relationships and liking guys, I just perfer a little older (maybe like 20-25ish)


I'm glad to see its more common than I thought

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Because you're more mature than the males your age, who don't come around for another year or two (or few, depending on genetics). It's normal for females to date older males, not as much maybe in our era, but considering the human race as a whole, it's actually quite normal.


I still can't stand most guys my age even now. My best friend today is the same age as my father. Yet still we connect pretty darn well, and do a hell of a job running the business. Every now-and-then he stops, though, and says he has to remind himself that I'm still young and allowed to be naive, etc. The point is maturity is a more important and more powerful social force than calendar age. I also have a co-worker one-month and 5 days younger than me, and need often to be restrained from choking him to death in the course of an 8-hour day. It's the maturity thing.

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The point is maturity is a more important and more powerful social force than calendar age.


Agreed. Maturity is the key here. However, it's not common to find many 19-22 year old males who are mature.




Friends can kinda go either way for me, I have quite a few friends my age but that's only because we all go to school together; therefore, I have no choice but to be around people my age.


True. I have a couple of friends who are my age (19-21), but we've known each other since middle school and all. I don't really know if I'd consider them friends anymore--we've become too different, and I have nothing in common with them anymore.

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^ This is also true.


With age many people become more confident as they've gained experience and learned their youthful lessons. With confidence they become more attractive to others, especially younger folk who've yet to achieve this, and hence attract to these "strong qualities" they see.

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Don't get tricked into thinking that older means neccessarily means more mature. Some guys are really old, yet have the maturity of teenagers. Yet many girls will go after a older immature guy than a younger mature man. Sad but true. I have 22 year old platonic friend - She was going out with a 32 year old. This older guy was controlling, weird, and generally immature. But my friend kept thinking that this guy was so mature - He was just old, not mature. He may have been 32, but he had the maturity of a 12 year old.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I just turned 18 in march and I've realized that I'm not really attracted to guys my own age. I recently got out of a year and half relationship and he was 22. Lately I've been talking to this really cool guy at work and I just found out that he's two months shy of being 25! It just seems like I have a better connection with slightly older guys since most 18 year olds are still pretty immauture... Idk that's the only thing I can thing as to why I'd like them more


Is this weird? I know things would probably be a lot easier if I just tried to find some closer in age but I'm not really attracted to them.


Thoughts? Any one else feel the same way?


Not the threadjack, but I find this pretty comical. When women hit my age they complain about there not being enough guys because they're dating women your age. Cracks me up when I point out that when they were your age they did the same thing you're doing.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I agree, maturity is everything. i used to say I wouldn't date guys my age because they were from my experience fools and little boys pretending to be grown ups. So I dated much older men. I married a much older man because I thought he was mature and a real grown up because he was in his late 30s. Come to find out later that no, just because he was older doesn't mean he was mature. LOL. After that ended I ended up meeting a guy afterwards that is awesome. mature. Has his stuff together. but still fun and funny. And it's surprising, he's actually my age! only 5 months older. Never thought that would happen. But him as a person is more mature at mid 20s than ex was at late 30s.

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Age truly does not mark maturity, and chronology is just a myth. In reference to older guys dating young girls, let's just say maturity really does seem to evade some people their entire life through.


I've the unfortunate fortune of knowing a fellow my father's age (48-ish) who refuses to date women his age because they're "too old" and "ick" and still runs around chasing after girls my age as if there's one iota of healthy reasoning therein.


Men fully aware and accepting of their own age who want to date their daughter's classmates are one thing. This guy's problem is he still thinks he's that age, and his behavior is right along those lines to boot. He kind of reminds me of that old quote that refers to the family dog saying "he thinks he's people."



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