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Huntsman Spider (Australia)


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Just to put things into perspective:


There have been no deaths in Australia from a confirmed spider bite since 1979 (link removed)


It presents the causes of snakebite believed to have resulted in 40 deaths in the past 27 years in Australia (link removed)


Australia's deadliest venomous animal: the honeybee, an exotic introduced from Europe!! It causes an average of ten deaths per year (link removed)


In the U.S. for 2001, there were 29573 deaths from firearms (link removed)


My point exactly many other things to worry about other than the wildlife..

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i was driving at night..it fell down from behind the rear view mirror..it shook the hell out of me..i tried to catch it..my eyes werent on the road anymore..and right before i would have crashed against the side of the road, i looked up and could sway my car to the road again just by a fraction..on the highway. I couldnt find him..and was wearing a skirt. The most awful ride home in my life..i am telling you.


Just move to Northern California. It's Australia Lite: all the climate, none of the ridiculous wildlife. There are bears, Mountain Lions, Black Widows and Rattlesnakes... But you can avoid those pretty easy.


Of course, when I lived in SoCal, there was the evening when we sussed out something like nine Black Widows. Killed the hell out of those things.


lol, don't ever go to Costa Rica...

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Arachnophobia cured my fear of spiders. I highly suggest it.


The movie? That movie scared the hell out of me when I was a kid. I watched it not too long ago and I laughed and laughed. It's so lame and fake looking. The big spider looks all fake like a teddy bear or something.

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The movie? That movie scared the hell out of me when I was a kid. I watched it not too long ago and I laughed and laughed. It's so lame and fake looking. The big spider looks all fake like a teddy bear or something.


Your dog looks like Paul McCartney.

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Seriously, you get that huntsmen arent actually venomous, right?


And they don't come up and bite you in your sleep or anything, you have to poke them with a stick for a bit before they get p*ssed off lol - trust me.

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The movie? That movie scared the hell out of me when I was a kid. I watched it not too long ago and I laughed and laughed. It's so lame and fake looking. The big spider looks all fake like a teddy bear or something.


It scared me sh*tless. So instead of being paralyzed the next time I saw a spider, I flipped out and squashed it with my hand. Fear gone.

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Firearms isn't really an issue in most places. It's a few select areas that are really bad that skew the numbers. I'm a white guy in the burbs...no issues with that. I'd still be more worried about spiders and snakes.


Exactly one person I know has been shot to death; that was by the police, not private citizens.

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Exactly one person I know has been shot to death; that was by the police, not private citizens.


The point is that almost no one dies from animal bites there. If death is what you're afraid of then this is not the thing you should be worried about.


In the US, the biggest causes of accidental death are:


1. Motor vehicle crashes

Deaths per year: 43,200


2. Falls

Deaths per year: 14,900


3. Poisoning by solids and liquids

Deaths per year: 8,600


4. Drowning

Deaths per year: 4,000


5. Fires and burns

Deaths per year: 3,700



Compare this to a measly few people each year from spider and snake bites.



Or is there something else that you're afraid of?

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The point is that almost no one dies from animal bites there. If death is what you're afraid of then this is not the thing you should be worried about.


In the US, the biggest causes of accidental death are:


1. Motor vehicle crashes

Deaths per year: 43,200


2. Falls

Deaths per year: 14,900


3. Poisoning by solids and liquids

Deaths per year: 8,600


4. Drowning

Deaths per year: 4,000


5. Fires and burns

Deaths per year: 3,700



Compare this to a measly few people each year from spider and snake bites.



Or is there something else that you're afraid of?


I think I am doing a poor job of explaining myself. I am not afraid of things that I have control over. I have no fear of firearms because I'm not going to shoot myself or be the target of gang activity. I can swim, so I have no fear of drowning. I have never been in a car accident, I drive carefully, I don't work in a field where falls are an issue, etc.


I have control over most of that stuff if I'm careful. I don't have control over spiders, snakes, etc. that I can't see. They might not kill people with their bites, but losing limbs, medical issues, w/e would all be annoying to deal with.


Bottom line -- fear (maybe respect is a better word? IDK) what you can't control, fix what you can...and it's that mentality that makes me not like snakes/spiders so much...lol.

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You may have control over your own vehicle, but you certainly don't have control over anyone else's. Many people are killed, paralyzed and disfigured from car accidents each year and often it was not their fault. Yet you see almost no one who is afraid of driving. It's supposedly the most dangerous thing you can ever do.


You also don't have control over things like school shootings. You may think you're in a safe place, but in reality, school shootings kill far more people than spiders. Almost no one is afraid to go to school.


I don't know if you're a beach goer or not, but you also do not have control over sharks, rays or jellyfish. Yet you rarely hear of people who are afraid of the ocean. People love the ocean.


You may also be walking along the street and fall down a ditch. Most people aren't afraid of ditches or walking.


I understand that people have fears about bugs and that's fine, but I just don't agree with your reasons for this. Like I said, having spent 19 years growing up in Australia I never once got bitten by an animal (except a dog). It's not like I was particularly careful, I just never enjoyed provoking spiders or snakes, which is key to not getting bitten.

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Huntsman spiders can really get HUGE and the sight of one does freak people out. However, the funnelweb spider is by far much scarier (and of course venomous). They are very large hairy spiders. You should see the size of it's fangs!! OMG.

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I used to travel to Arizona on business quite a bit. I bet that state has more bugs and creepy crawlies than the entire continent of Australia! I left my shoes ouside of my hotel room one day, put them on to take a walk, there was a mouse in my shoe. Was bitten by some form of spider in my sleep and had half of my face swell up! The next time I went there, I checked my shoes before I put them on, a f***ing scorpion crawled out of one of them! I had my lip bit that trip by something that swelled my upper lip to 3 times its size! I'm not afraid to go to Australia, but keep me out of Arizona!

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Oh I get they're not poisonous. But they are a spider and huge. I am petrified of those things. I don't care if it's irrational. I don't want them near me. A spider the size of a basketball? No thanks. I'm cool. Won't stop me from ever wanting to visit Australia, but if one happens to get on me or even very near me, it will be chaos for sure.

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