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Huntsman Spider (Australia)


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A redback is like a black widow but bigger & much more poisonous. I remember having a ton of them in my pool. It used to freak me out.


Funnel webs are one of the most dangerous spiders in the world. They hide in your shoes if you leave them outside!


i hate those m*****f*****s, all of them

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I just read in the news today that a bunch of really huge bird spiders (tarantulla's) were invading a village in queensland. Even the locals got real upset..and terminators could not handle the demand. And one even mentioned that he even got a bit spooked by the size of them.


They mentioned it just now..terrible.

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Not a chance we are way too fortunate in Australia.. we wont let a few hairy crittures stop us enjoying a brilliant climate, coastline, and laid back lifestyle that many of us Aussies take for granted until we have travelled...but we all have a story to tell regarding spiders and snakes, however if you travelled here, you are more likely to see these in the reptile park or zoo than in real life...

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A redback is like a black widow but bigger & much more poisonous. I remember having a ton of them in my pool. It used to freak me out.


Funnel webs are one of the most dangerous spiders in the world. They hide in your shoes if you leave them outside!


It is true I am sure, but you are freaking out the OP..lol..Your going to have spiders in your shoes, and stay away from swimming pools..oooooh...You will wake up with a huntsman snoring next to on your pillow.. You can never sleep again..


I admit I would be a little freaked waking up next to a spider the size of a dinner plate just chilling in my bed. At least for the first time, but I would get used to it.


Just get a bigger fly swatter..

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I just read in the news today that a bunch of really huge bird spiders (tarantulla's) were invading a village in queensland. Even the locals got real upset..and terminators could not handle the demand. And one even mentioned that he even got a bit spooked by the size of them.


They mentioned it just now..terrible.


is that what they are, bird spiders? Aye Jesus Christo what's next, spiders the size of wooly mammoths somewhere in a far away land?

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is that what they are, bird spiders? Aye Jesus Christo what's next, spiders the size of wooly mammoths somewhere in a far away land?


Haha - know what you mean - imagination running riot and all!

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Yeah you are going to have to deal with something no matter where you go.. Spiders seem harmless compared to other things you could encounter..Stop worrying about the spiders even if they can run off with your purse..lol..

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Not a chance we are way too fortunate in Australia.. we wont let a few hairy crittures stop us enjoying a brilliant climate, coastline, and laid back lifestyle that many of us Aussies take for granted until we have travelled...but we all have a story to tell regarding spiders and snakes, however if you travelled here, you are more likely to see these in the reptile park or zoo than in real life...


yes i know..everyone i have spoken to on immigration forums have said the pro's outway the cons tenfold..


but i have to take it seriously..my fears..i am a person that almost had a car accident because i found a spider in my car..


it would seriously decrease my quality of living if i had to face that a lot. I am looking for something to get me healed from that or live in area's where i am not prone to run into them often. probably both..and choose shared housing i guess.


I just could not bare that all of the time...

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Me and my bro both joke around that we are never going to Australia. They have the most dangerous spiders and snakes in the world in that place...f that man, I'll stick to Europe and USA.


for real, and great white sharks up the yingyang. we have them in Northern Cali too, but not many attacks. The water is pretty cold.

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yes i know..everyone i have spoken to on immigration forums have said the pro's outway the cons tenfold..


but i have to take it seriously..my fears..i am a person that almost had a car accident because i found a spider in my car..


it would seriously decrease my quality of living if i had to face that a lot. I am looking for something to get me healed from that or live in area's where i am not prone to run into them often. probably both..and choose shared housing i guess.


I just could not bare that all of the time...


Me too! My then ex was driving and all of a sudden this spider appears on the dashboard and I just freak. We are on the freeway and in my hysteria I start swinging wildly, I threw myself into the backseat but not before nearly causing an accident because I was all over the inside of the truck!


He said the spider was small and it probably was, but in my terrified eyes it looked as big as a tractor! LOL

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Just to put things into perspective:


There have been no deaths in Australia from a confirmed spider bite since 1979 (link removed)


It presents the causes of snakebite believed to have resulted in 40 deaths in the past 27 years in Australia (link removed)


Australia's deadliest venomous animal: the honeybee, an exotic introduced from Europe!! It causes an average of ten deaths per year (link removed)


In the U.S. for 2001, there were 29573 deaths from firearms (link removed)

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what are red backs? some sort of black widow?

yes they are with a bright red landing strip and bigger in size they are also very slow unaggressive, but still quite common, they tend to nest on anything in the yard that is laying about for periods of time....


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i was driving at night..it fell down from behind the rear view mirror..it shook the hell out of me..i tried to catch it..my eyes werent on the road anymore..and right before i would have crashed against the side of the road, i looked up and could sway my car to the road again just by a fraction..on the highway. I couldnt find him..and was wearing a skirt. The most awful ride home in my life..i am telling you.

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